Friday, 17 August 2012

"Written on every leaf"

Dhan nirankar ji......

In this world full of hatred, despair and destruction
At every opportunity we are eager to hurt one and other.

Where are the smiles, the joys and happiness?
The feeling that we are all sisters and brothers.

We have made it our goal to divide mankind
To fight all year around, January to December.

With pain as our target and anger as our arrow
But what is the purpose? Do we even remember?

With weapons by our side and tongues full of zest
Cursing our differences without any rest

We see a veil or a turban, a man with a cross
We choose to hate and despise, when really we are at a loss

Looking to build barriers really do condemn
Building bridges of compassion, we can choose to make amends

It’s easy to talk and to create a division
More challenging is the task of creating cohesion

So brothers and sisters stand up straight and tall
And feel which is love for you all

The message is so beautiful, it should be written on every leaf
Message is one of love, compassion and world peace
Dhan nirankar ji....

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