Sunday, 19 August 2012

Message of His Holiness Nirankari Baba ji on Mukti Parv:-

Sadh Sangat ji prem se kehna dhan nirankar ji.
1. I returned back from UK last night after my departure on 27th July, after NIS . NIS was held with a view to take the message of Oneness a little further and couple it with Olympics where 204 nations had gathered to compete in Olympics.
2. Right from the start, on 28th July many events were organised, about which I will speak about next week, when a special congregation is to held to celebrate NIS.
3. Today we are celebrating Mukti Parva, when we remember shahenshah baba Avtar Singh Ji and other saints who contributed to the glorious history of the mission by spreading the message of one god and oneness across the country and other parts of the world.
4. Ever since pre-independence days when the message of god knowledge was initiated from peshawar and cities, this message has come a long way to its journey in London as NIS.
5.Man gives a lot of importance to his false identities, which become a cause of hatred and wars. The identities of caste, religion, colour and country have always created differences among mankind. and this identity can only be diluted and eradicated by knowing one's true identity, as in"Ek noor te sab jab upjaya, kaun bhale kaun mande".and knowing this truth is "mukti" or liberation of the soul.
6. The other liberation is that of the thoughts of man. Freedom from narrow mindedness, from ignorance, from intentions of hatred and selfishness.
This liberation causes mankind to exist with each other in love and understanding. This way mankind is led to the thought of "manush ki jaat sabhe ekay pehchanbo".
7. We also heard about saints and holymen from the mission's history who contributed to the spiritual facet in its true and meaningful way by eradicating ignorance of men. Days like this give us a path to tread on the path of bliss and glory.
8. Man has brought forward many a ways like education and money and power , to bring happiness and peace around the world. No doubt all of this are important at their respective levels, but the true bliss and revelation is the only knowledge that can bring eternal happiness in our lives.
9. So saints always awaken man from his long deep slumber. And only those who are awakened, can awake others, as they know that sleep of ignorance is a big loss, loss of precious moments endowed upon us by the almighty.and if a soul is emlightened, it gains glory and is able to provide value to its existence.
10. Even today, saints are in the process of awakening the world by holding many samagams and Sangats, so that man may lead his life by felling walls of hatred, jealousy and narrow mindedness.
11. NIS has also contributed in a number of ways on this path of awakening. And in a few months, we will also be a part of annual samagam.
12. May lord bless all to walk on the path of benevolence and charity , of god knowledge,sharing festivals with unity and brotherhood. So that man may live in harmony and peace.
Dhan nirankar ji.

Source...Saints from India.

Sharing Humbly,
Narinder Pal Singh Noor(Tracy).

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