Thursday 5 April 2012

Avtar Bani ... Ladder To God

O' Almighty God, beyond attribute and formless;
Thou art the creator of the universe, Thou art the sustainer of all.
Thy vast entity is there in every particle of the universe;
Thou was true in the past, art true at present and shall be true in future, and the world
is an illusion.
O' God, Thou dwelt in every being, Thou art beyond decay, Thou art the supreme
Be kind and bless everybody to transcend the ocean of materialism.
Thou art formless and in form, Thou art the nurturer of the universe;
Endless is Thy glory, Thou art the supreme donor, the boundless.
O' the Supreme Father God, all human beings are Thy own children;
Be kind and benevolent to all, may all be redeemed.
Thou Formless One; Hail the True Master
O' the Supreme Father God, Thou pervadeth each and every particle;
Thou art the Supreme Doer, the Commander, the Master of all.
Beholding Thee all around, Avtar prays unto Thee;
Thou art the Lord of Lords, and I am the humblest of the humble.
O' Thou, formless, colorless and boundless God, millions of bows unto Thee;
O' Thou, beyond the comprehension of mind, intellect and wisdom, millions of bows
unto Thee.
O' Thou, the Infinite, incomprehensible Lord, millions of bows unto Thee;
O' Thou, the Lord of Lords, the Supreme Sovereign, millions of bows unto Thee.
O' Thou, Eternal, Ageless, Omnipresent, millions of bows unto Thee;
O' Thou, the Redeemer of sinners in all ages, millions of bows unto Thee.
O' Thou, the Omniscient, Knower of the instincts of all beings, millions of bows unto
O' Thou, the Divine Name and the One the Divine Name stands for, millions of bows
unto Thee.
O' Thou, the Sustainer of all living creatures, millions of bows unto Thee.
Avtar says, O' the Sustainer of the life-breath, millions of bows unto Thee.
O' God, I pray for Thy shelter, Thy support, I sacrifice my body and mind unto Thee;
Avtar says, I do sing Thy praise day and night.
None can move without Thy command;
Avtar says, I cannot do anything, only Thy will prevails.
Thou art manifest in every particle, every object, every leaf bears Thy name;
I behold Thee everywhere, all around.
Thou art the fragrance in sandal wood and purity in Ganga;
Thou art radiance in the Sun and coolness in the moon.
Thou art the beauty in flowers and the delicacy in buds;
Thou art the wisdom in thoughts and Thou art the art and the skill.
Thou art the True Master in Buta Singh and Tenth Dimension is Thy abode;
Avtar says, the True Master has bestowed upon me his own word (that I speak) and
the apparel ( I wear).
Truth is what I worship and adore, Truth is what I think of the True One;
Truth is what I share, Truth is what I distribute, Truth is my dealing.
The true one has revealed to me the Truth, and connected the chord of my life with
True is the foundation, and Truth is the structure, and I preach the Truth.
Truth pulsates in every tissue of mine, and Truth is my true life-breath;
Truth is the ocean and the waves, Truth is the boat and the ores.
Truth is my capital input towards true gain, true is my shop and Truth is my trade;
This True One (God) is the only true one, the formless pervading all.
This Truth has been revealed to me by Buta Singh by his own kindness and
benevolence that is boundless;
Avtar says I sacrifice and surrender all that I have at the feet of the True Master
Flights of intellect and imagination cannot reach the boundlessness of His grace;
If the Lord Master himself bestows His grace, He may install even a pauper on a
If the Lord Master bestows His kind grace, people all over the world may become
one's servants;
If this Formless God bestows His Kind grace, He may turn even an illiterate into a
If the perfect True Master is so pleased, he may bless one with name and fame;
If the perfect True Master is so pleased, he may bless one to show the way to the
If the perfect True Master is so pleased, he may turn people the world over as one's
If the perfect True Master is so pleased, he may get any task accomplished.
What am I and what is my worth? It is the True Master who does all, and I am only the
means, the name;
Avtar says, the True Master is certainly pleased with me, let the whole world know.
I am a human being, looking like any other human being, I have not been given a
different entity;
It is the True Master who applied the slide of God-knowledge to my eyes and blessed
me with the divine vision to perceive the Formless.
All that I say is the grace of the True Master, it is with his blessings that I scribe the
praise of this Almighty;
It is with the grace of the True Master that I am perceiving the Formless God.
Ever since I surrendered myself unto him and became his own, the Formless God is
with me and has become my own;
And this Truth I deal and dispense, only this is my occupation.
This Formless God dwells in my mind with the grace of the True Master;
With the love of this Colorless every tissue of mine is imbued.
I tread the path as shown by the True Master;
Avtar says, I act as ordained by the True Master.
I am ordained by the Formless in True Master to remove the veil from human eye;
I am ordained by the Formless in True Master to show the way to the one who has
gone astray;
I am ordained by the Formless in True Master to reveal the Formless God;
I am ordained by the Formless in True Master to bring solace to the worldly people;
I am ordained by the Formless in True Master to preach the concept of One God;
I am ordained by the Formless in True Master to dispense knowledge of the One;
I am ordained by the Formless in True Master to dispel the darkness of ignorance;
I am ordained by the Formless in True Master to purify the mind of every seeker who
The world may frighten me as much as it can, this task I cannot leave;
Avtar says, whether my life remains there or goes, I cannot turn back.
This body of mine is just a mass of dust, let it go if it goes;
All my material assets and the wealth, let it go if goes.
Let the world opposed to Truth spread all kinds of rumors;
Let the world opposed to Truth level all kinds of accusations.
Let the world opposed to Truth be scared of telling the truth.
Let the world opposed to Truth criticize as much as it can.
Let factionalism and sectarianism make as much hue and cry as they can;
Let the misguided and ignorant world protest and shout.
Let the world be hostile, I shall not deviate from the path of Truth;
Avtar says, no one can disprove the word of the True Master.
Those who undertook the propagation of Truth were opposed tooth and nail by the
The saints put up with every ordeal without any wrinkle on their face.
The wayward always ridiculed the saints as insane, as lunatics;
Motivated by their self-interests, they kept on provoking them.
The wayward dubbed as gone--astray even a prophet who came to show them the way;
The saints overlooked them and just endured all the taunts and jeers.
Committed to doctrines, the orthodox bigot rulers always treated them as their
The blind clergy-Qazis and Pundits, charged them as they wished.
The way of the world is not to show respect to the living one, but to worship the dead;
Avtar says, such ignorant people are adamant in their attitude even today.
Just as even the best medicine can not prove effective, unless the prescribed
precautions are observed;
Likewise, no task can be accomplished unless there is practical action.
One cannot attain the dust of the feet of the saints, unless there is sincere respect and
regard within;
Divine knowledge can never stay in the heart unless there is faith in the True Master.
Divine knowledge cannot be attained without True Master and mind cannot stop
wandering in wilderness without divine knowledge;
Avtar says, unless we accept and act upon the five pledges, we cannot understand the
divine word too.
The greatest gift of God to you, O' man, is the charming body;
But you should understand that this belongs to God, and nothing belongs to you.
Swayed by the mind, you are misled every time;
You regard everything as yours and you are obsessed by false vanity.
The palaces and mansions, your family, your tribe, all the wealth, you possess;
All that is visible is false, a fleeting shadow.
While making use of these assets, if you realize this is divine order;
You shall not be afflicted with the disease of ego, and you will remain always happy.
O' man, you should take all your assets as belonging to God and there is no
controversy about this;
Avtar says, the first pledge is that the body, mind and material assets all belong to the
Formless God.
The same divine light dwells in every human being, male or female;
May be a Brahmin, Kshatriya, vaish or Sudra (by caste), all are the creation of the one
All have a similar human body, adorned by the same Almighty;
Then, why should there be caste feuds and what for the customs?
Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, all are the children of one God;
You should love them all as human beings, whether they be good or bad.
When the same spirit of God dwells in all, who is good and who is bad?
Just as filth becomes Ganga itself, when immersed in the Ganga river.
You must treat all human beings alike, and shed your ego and pride;
Avtar says, the second pledge is not to go by the caste, creed and color.
There are different seasons on earth, each having different composition of its own;
People (therefore) wear different garments, have different types of diet.
God has neither prescribed nor forbidden any particular food;
Whatever we eat or drink relates to the body, it has no relation to the soul.
O' man, sit and ponder sometime with a serene, cool mind;
How does it matter to you if somebody wears a dhoti, long underwear or shallower?
You may eat, drink and wear whatever you like;
But don't preach it to the world and add on to the dimensions of discord.
Avtar says, God can be realized by shedding all ego and pride;
The third pledge is not to hate anyone on account of dress and diet.
O' man, you need not leave your hearth and home, and wander from place to place;
You need not put on saffron clothes (and become an ascetic), but lead normal family
O' man, you need not go begging alms, assume false appearance and wander
You should earn your livelihood with your own hands, and not be a burden on others.
You should submit cheerfully to the will of God, and not waste human life in doubts
and delusions;
Avtar says, the fourth pledge is to lead life as a householder, and not to become an
One cannot learn making ornaments just by sitting for a day at the jeweler’s shop.
If a student becomes the monitor, he cannot be called a teacher.
The one who has just joined the school, what guidance can he provide to others?
He can, of course, teach others when he has comprehended his own lesson.
O' man, you should never deviate from the divine secret as being revealed to you;
Avtar says, the fifth pledge is not to divulge this divine secret without being ordained.
O' man, behold above, you see the sun, the moon and the stars;
Their luster will go one day, and they all shall vanish.
Down below, you have the earth, the fire and the water, with vast ramifications;
All the visible world shall too perish one day.
In between, you find the air, the life-spirit and the sky, all in their subtle form;
The close combination of the three shall also end once for all.
These nine elements, which constitute the 'matter' can be seen or visualized;
The Tenth is the Supreme Being (Brahm), distinct from the nine, yet present in them
O' my friends, all that is visible shall go and the Nothing shall remain at last;
Avtar says, what remains is, of course, the Everything and this is known as the
Formless God (NIRANKAR).
Behold, the great God who pervades the entire vast void;
He has been named as the Formless by the Master of the day.
Whatever is visible is all His own manifestation;
He is the divine protector of the poor and suffering devotees. He is the creator of the
He is the boat, He is the oar, He is the ocean, and the rower;
He is boundless and infinite, and is beyond the reach of the Vedas and other scriptures.
He cannot be overcome by muttering of prayer and penance, or bound by rituals;
Avtar says, if one meets the True Master, the veil of ignorance is removed in a trice.
The Formless God is the One, who has no form;
None knows His beginning this side nor the other end across.
Countless Vedas and other scriptures put together have not been able to describe His
Countless ascetics and contemplators altogether could not know the divine secret.
As the man sheds his cleverness, and seeks the shelter of the True Master;
Avtar says, he can understand God, if the True Master is so pleased.
The Formless God is one and the same for all, and not different for different people;
The recluse contemplators could not perceive Him, ascetics could not find Him.
God permeates each and every particle, but man has no vision to perceive Him;
God cannot be seen face to face without the grace of the True Master.
God is present everywhere and manifest in all trees, plants, flowers and buds;
The Formless God is pervading the ocean, the earth and in between.
God is manifest in deep forests and pastures, and is the sight within every sight;
He is the coolness, He is the brightness that dwells in all delicacies.
God cannot be realized even by millions of efforts, rites and rituals.
Avtar says, God cannot be perceived unless the True Master comes and unveils the
face of God.
The Formless God is one, and true is His name;
Hs is the master of every object and the creator of whole universe.
God commands death and is free from birth, He is eternal, self-existent;
O' man, after seeking the blessings of the True Master do remember and glorify God.
God is true and pure ever since eternity, God existed before the universe, God shall
stay beyond its end;
Avtar says, only God is true, He does exist today and shall continue to exist tomorrow.
Nature created by God has no limits, God's manifestation knows no bounds;
His boundary on the one side is unknown, the end on the other too is not known.
Millions and billions are His names and countless are His dwelling places;
There are millions of other planets, which are beyond the human comprehension.
There is earth beneath the earth, and several worlds beyond;
Avtar says, listen O' men, know the Divine Name from the True Master.
The Formless God is eternally true, and Truth is His name;
He was, He is and He shall always be, and superb is His creation.
O' God, Thou art the Supreme Being and loftiest is Thy abode;
True and pure, absolutely pure and sublime, is Thy name.
Even the lowly gets exalted, if he realizes the Loftiest;
Avtar says, it is the grace of the True Master, if one is able to recognize God.
One cannot encompass the greatness of God, in spite of countless efforts;
It is beyond the reach of human intellect to comprehend all that He has created
Who can count the countless (forms of the Formless) and write down the number?
How can one measure the immeasurable?
The glory of the Almighty cannot be scribed by the pen, it cannot be described by the
Avtar says, none except the True Master can reveal the divine secret.
God, the Supreme Donor, Himself only knows His ways, He keeps on feeding one and
But rare few acknowledge this benevolence.
One gets only that much as is ordained by Him;
One finds what He wills and what He wills one finds.
The Divine Entity (God) is eternal, and the devotee calls Him as the Formless God;
Avtar says, He is omniscient and understands all.
Who did design God, who is His maker?
God is everything Himself, but still distinct from all.
God has no physical height, no physical form, He is neither white nor black;
The entity of God is all intoxication, the cup of eternal wine.
Avtar says it is the True Master who has been given by God the lock and key;
And rare fortunate is the one who gets the key and unlocks the door to the kingdom of
Truly speaking the entire world moves as per His divine command;
All living creatures of the world get sustenance from His divine door.
It is He who sustains life even in the innermost layers of the earth;
It is He who has the sway even beyond the skies.
Be it the smallest or the biggest, nothing moves without His divine command;
Avtar says the riddle cannot be solved without the True Master.
O' God, all the planets of the universe come into existence on a single gesture from
Streams of water started flowing on a simple gesture from Thee.
I am too weak to dare contemplate and describe Thee;
My heart is too feeble to sacrifice my life unto Thee.
Only such action is righteous as meets Thy approval;
Only Thou Formless One art immortal, eternal.
Millions of people undergo penance and millions exhibit love to Thee;
Millions of people worship Thee and offer prayers to Thee.
Millions of people recite the Vedas and other holy scriptures;
Millions of people become hermits and go to the forests for meditation.
Millions of people sit in silent trance and contemplate upon Thee;
Millions of rich people perform acts of charities and offer donations.
But I am incapable of measuring Thy unbounded grace;
Even this life has been gifted by Thee; what would I sacrifice, unto Thee?
Only such action is pleasant as meets Thy approval to be right;
Only Thou Formless One art immortal, eternal.
Countless are Thy names, countless are Thy dwellings;
There are millions of other planets which are beyond comprehension of human
It is to carry unnecessary burden to denote Thee in millions and billions;
It is mere jugglery of letters, mere network of letters.
To sing the praise of Thy qualities is the game of letters only;
The letters constitute words, which are spoken and scribed.
There may be millions of donors, but none is like the True Master;
Avtar says, none has ever realized God without the True Master.
Thy creation has no limit, and Thy manifestation knows no bounds;
None can point out Thy beginning this side, none can know the other end.
Millions have been making noise, without being able to know Thee at all;
Neither arduous rites and rituals nor the wise men could reach Thee.
None could know Thy limit, none could measure Thy depth;
To whatever extent one may sing Thy praise, it is not possible to describe Thy
What can one know, what can one understand, so exalted is Thy abode;
Thy name, O' Formless, is the greatest and the purest of all.
Who can be so great as to know Thy greatness?
A drop that joins the ocean, become the ocean itself.
God can be known only with the benevolence of God Himself;
Avtar says, if you find perfect True Master, he can reveal God unto you instantly.
Be a brave warrior or a king, everyone is abetting before God;
There is not a single creature in the world who does not beg from Him and eat.
In this world, there are millions of the unfortunate, sinners and evil-doers;
Millions suffer from the agonizing pains and are fed up with life.
There are millions who are fed by the Almighty, yet refuse to acknowledge;
The fools are so ungrateful that even after receiving His bounties, they challenge Him.
Several thousands in this world succumb to their pain and suffering;
Several thousands here indulge in flattery and backbiting.
Bondage and freedom are Thy own sweet will;
Who can dare tell Thee that such and such will is his own will?
The imprudent even tries to find fault with Thee;
But he would come to his senses, when Destiny strikes its blow.
Anyone whom He Himself owns, becomes greatest of the great;
Avtar says, even a beggar becomes a king on meeting the perfect saint.
O' God, invaluable are Thy qualities, and so is their treasure house;
Thy clients (seekers) are great and so is Thy trade.
O' True Lord, who on earth can tell Thy value and worth?
There may be millions of Lukmans (doctors) and Aristotles (philosophers), they
cannot know Thy divine secret.
Holy scriptures have described Thee in million ways;
Millions of scholars have tried their best to sing Thy praise.
Brahma, Vishnu and Indra, all adore Thee;
Religious practices like pilgrimages, charities and penance have no value at Thy door.
Just as a humble drop cannot fill the tank;
The whole world, even if it so desires, cannot sing Thy praise.
My Lord is greatest of the great, none can describe His glory;
Avtar says, if one meets the True Master, his empty bowl can be filled in a trice.
What should I say about the abode of the Lord Master, words fail to describe;
Billions of bugle-horns and millions of other musical instruments harp at His sacred
Melodies like Bhairavi and Malhaar sing and dance in best of their (classical) rhythm;
Gods and goddesses play (supernatural) orchestra, and the king of Death pulls the
Sixty-eight places of pilgrimage tend to allure Thee with their (folk) dance; and fairies
play tunes and rhythm of their own;
Those who sit in trance and meditation sing Thy praise in quiet and the learned clergy
do so in their discourses.
Thou art my True Lord and Thy Name is Truth;
Only those who found the True Master, could know the divine secret.
Thou art what Thou art, Thy creation is superb;
Avtar says, I am a humble servant of all, and all manifest Thy own greatness.
The one who wears the cloak of contentment and firm faith, and depends upon Thy
The true saint lives very much in this world, but remains aloft like a lotus (in water).
He eats and drinks in Thee, he dwells in Thee;
He is as pure as the water of the Ganga river and to him none is a friend or foe.
He does not distinguish between a Hindu and a Muslim, a Sikh and a Christian;
He is lofty, yet considers himself lowly; he is not proud of his wisdom.
True saints are adorned with the ornaments of contentment, peace and equable vision;
And the greatest ornament of theirs is to remain always submitted to the divine will.
The devotee saints are my friends and dwell always with me;
Avtar says, I bow unto these saints million times.
Some say that the entire world is the handiwork of three gods;
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - the Trinity - wield the divine power.
One created all in the universe, the other sustains them;
The third keeps a vigil on the actions of everybody and subjects them to death in
different ways.
Truly speaking, the whole world is sustained as per the will of the Almighty One;
Every object moves as per His divine command.
God looks after all, He takes care of one and all;
The most astonishing fact is that He operates from behind the curtain.
I bow unto Him, and I offer salutations to Him;
Avtar says, God is pure and eternal, and has stayed unchanged in all the ages.
God is the Supreme Lord of the three worlds, and fills the treasures Himself age after
Out of compassion, God appears in the world (in human form) and redeems millions
of sinners.
God Himself creates everything and observes all, He is the Supreme Creator of the
He is the Supreme Sovereign of the vast void, and He is the true ruler of the universe.
I bow unto Him and offer salutations to Him all the time;
Avtar says He is the True Master beyond birth and death, and remains unchanged in
all the ages.
Even if one has millions of tongues instead of one in his mouth;
Even if these million (tongues) may be multiplied by millions and then counted
million times;
None can sing Thy praise (with the help of so many tongues) even if he tries to do so;
None can realize Thee through self-imposed restraints, repeated recitations of Thy
name and meditation.
If God is so pleased, He can do everything;
Avtar says, if one meets the True Master, even a stone (hearted person) can transcend
the ocean of materialism.
God cannot be overcome by repeated utterances, or by silence;
God cannot be overcome through offerings, donations or acts of charity
God cannot be overcome by living for long or dying in quest of God;
God cannot be overcome by command of the sovereign, or by show of strength,
God cannot be overcome through mind and intellect or by sitting in trance and
God cannot be overcome by staying on earth or by soaring in the skies.
God cannot be overcome by any amount of knowledge, millions have tried in vain;
Avtar says, if one meets the perfect saint, he unveils the Truth in a moment.
The True Lord creates days and nights, as also the seasons;
He created the Sun, the Moon and the days with (seven) different names.
My Lord is the greatest of all and rare few understand the mystery of His ways;
He created the fire, the air, the water and the earth with many layers below.
He created skeletons of different colors and infused life to make them move about;
Rare few could know His mysterious ways and recognize Him.
Everyone shall reap the fruit of his own actions;
True is the court of Divine Lord, one would reap as he sows.
He is the true guardian and protector of the truthful, and only true ones shall be
Such true ones are worshipped in this world, and occupy place of honor in the
kingdom of God.
The true and the untrue shall reap the fruits of their own actions;
Avtar says, the true devotees of the True Master shall indeed be forgiven.
The one who knows the Formless God does not take birth as one animate being after
the other;
The one who knows the Formless God, does not face the pangs of death.
The one who knows the Formless God, ever remains God intoxicated;
The one who knows the Formless God, gets rid of miseries.
The one who knows the Formless God, shall not face the suffering;
The one who knows the Formless God, shall stand relieved from fear.
If one sheds his ego and cleverness, he gets imbued with the color of the Formless;
Avtar says one can know God only when he finds the company of the true saint.
One who knows the Formless God, the whole world becomes subservient to him;
The earth, the fire, and the water as also the sun, the moon and the stars obey him as
O' man, keep on remembering God, you shall attain treasures of (divine) wealth;
O' man, keep on remembering God, you shall stand merged with Him.
O' man, keep on remembering God, this is the real muttering of prayer, real worship
and real recitation;
O' man, keep on remembering God, this shall relieve you of all sufferings;
O' man, keep on remembering God, this is the real pilgrimage and the holy dip;
O' man, keep on remembering God, this is the real abstinence, charity and donation.
O' man, keep on remembering God, you shall learn to remain ever grateful to Him;
O' man, keep on remembering God, you shall achieve the goal of life.
Only such a person can remember God, who attains Divine-knowledge from the True
Avtar says the one who perceives God, is my real friend.
The one who knows the Formless God, becomes the master of the whole (divine)
The one who knows the Formless God, becomes familiar with the warp and weft of
His manifestation.
The one who knows the Formless God, is welcomed in this world;
The one who knows the Formless God, is the most respectable and dominating person;
The one who remembers God is never dependent on anyone;
The one who remembers God, gets respect and honor from everyone.
Only a person who is blessed by the True Saint, can remember God;
Avtar says, the dust of the feet of such exalted ones is the greatest boon for me.
The one who remembers the Formless God, always has the spiritual radiance on his
The one who remembers the Formless God, suffering remains far from him.
The one who remembers the Formless God, does prevail upon his mind;
The one who remembers the Formless God, is always pure at heart.
Till the earth is there, till all other planets are there;
The name and glory of the saints shall remain till the entire universe is there.
We should seek the dust of the feet of the one who has the support of the One;
Avtar says I sacrifice my all unto the one who loves God.
The one who is forsaken by his parents, brothers, sisters and other kinsmen;
The Formless God is always with such a person, and He is his support and companion.
O' man, when you are found alone and attacked by death;
Even there, your love and devotion to God comes to your rescue.
O' man, when you do face ordeals, some big trouble;
The Formless God helps you out and solves your difficulty in no time.
O' man, no amount of worship is going to be accepted by God;
If you know Him and then pray to Him even once, He shall wipe out millions of your
O' my mind, listen to the divine name from the True Master, and keep on
remembering God;
Avtar says, you should first perceive God and then you keep on remembering Him by
the words--Tuhi-Tuhi (Thou Formless One).
Even a sovereign of the world faces sorrow, suffers pain;
But the one who knows the omnipresent God, is always happy.
Millions and millions of bondage’s consume the whole life;
But if one remembers the Divine Name given by the True Master, one gets liberated of
all these bondage’s.
The luxury and glamour of this world does not satiate one's thirst;
But if one remembers God, there remains no thirst, no craving.
O' man, on the path of death that you shall have to tread at last all alone;
If the Formless God is with you, you shall not be worried at all.
The Formless God is coolness all, keep your heart filled with it;
Avtar says, O' man, rely on the world of the True Master and dwell in your eternal
O' man, you may have millions of arms (to support), but even so there is no salvation;
You must keep on remembering Divine Name, repeating it, there is no other way out.
Even if there may be hundreds of ordeals obstructing your way;
Remembrance of God shall help you surmount them all in a moment.
Man suffers through hundreds of lives as animate being and keeps on going and
coming again;
But the one who knows God, becomes perpetual resident of the eternal abode.
Taking bath or washing the body at places of pilgrimage does not remove the dirt from
the hearts;
Avtar says, millions of sins are wiped out if one seeks the shelter of the True Master.
The true saints are those who have nothing else to do, except practicing the divine
The true saints are those who cannot live even for a moment without remembering
The true saints always sing the praise of God, day and night;
The true saints drink the nectar of divine name and get rid of all diseases.
To the man of God, God's Name is the only solace;
The True Master's word is dear to him in every moment of his life (sitting-standing,
eating - drinking).
The devotee saints of True Master lead a better life than anyone else in the world;
Avtar says, after coming under shelter of the True Master, they always do good, speak
Divine knowledge imparted by the True Master shows the people eternal abode
(where God does dwell);
Divine knowledge imparted by the True Master leads the people to the path of
Disciples of the True Master enjoy the bliss of the Formless, who is shapeless and
Disciples of the True Master enjoy the divine bliss un-interrupted.
Divine knowledge imparted by the True Master is the saint's asset and there lies his
The saints have attained glory by keeping firm faith in the divine knowledge imparted
by the True Master.
Divine knowledge is the true sign of the True Master and this is the symbol of his
Divine knowledge is his life-breath and the body, this is what he is inflicted with and
this is the remedy he has.
Those who are imbued with the divine knowledge imparted by the Tue Master are
always in the service of God;
Like the Formless one, they are not subjected to births and deaths.
Keep on mentioning the Name of God, there is nothing better than this;
Avtar says, human body is too fragile to be relied on; it exists today, but may not be
there tomorrow.
O' man, you may keep on enchanting the hymns, undergo penance and sit in silent
You may keep on reading and reciting the scriptures a million times.
You may practice Yoga, perform Neoli Karma and perform any number of rites and
You may renounce the world, and start living in forests.
You may keep on doing yogis exercises, changing postures of your body up-side down
or straight, and making thousands of other efforts;
You may get constructed any number of temples and donate even pearls and diamonds
in charity.
You may tear your body into pieces and perform any number of religious ceremonies;
You may keep fast, remain hungry and torment your body in hundreds of ways.
None of these acts, austerities and rituals, can help realize God, and you must
understand that these are all futile;
Avtar says, you must listen to the True Master and understand once what God is.
O' man, you may go round the whole earth and live for any long life;
You may visit kaaba, Kashi or any other place of pilgrimage, take bath rubbing your
You may resort to self-immolation and sacrifice your life;
You may allow wild animals to eat your body, you may donate your blood as sacrifice.
You may perform Neoli-Karma (wash your stomach with water), and keep on
changing the sitting postures;
You may perform any number of parities, observe abstinence and follow different
modes of God-worship.
In spite of these countless efforts, you just cannot transcend the ocean of materialism;
Unless you see God face to face, you just can't love Him.
There is nothing comparable to the Formless God; and God's name itself is unique;
Avtar says, you can transcend the ocean of materialism only if you know God from
the True Master.
The more man tries to be clever, the more he is frightened by death;
The more he travels on the path of self-effort, the more he feels thirsty for God
The fire in the heart cannot be cooled by the waters of the rivers;
The journey to the divine abode cannot be covered so long as one relies on his own
O' man, death shall not listen to you, it shall come and crumble your body;
If at all, death shall heed only the Name of God.
If we remember the Formless God, happiness comes and sorrow goes;
Avtar says, God can be perceived only if we seek the shelter of the True Master.
Thou art the wealth of the penniless, and Thy Name is his treasure;
Thy Name is the shelter to the shelter less.
Thou art the pride of the humble and the meek;
Everybody draws from Thee, Thou art the Supreme Donor.
Thou art the cause behind all causation, and Thou art the Supreme Master of all;
Thou art acquainted with everybody's heart, only Thou art omniscient.
God Himself can know His state and His limit;
One can know Him only if He himself so ordains.
O' God, I just cannot venture to narrate Thy glory;
Avtar says, it is all benevolence of the True Master, otherwise, I am not worthy of
anything whatsoever.
God was the Supreme Master in the beginning and God shall remain the Supreme
Master even at the end;
One who does not love God is devoid of sense.
Men clad in the human cloak behave like beasts;
Led by devils, they cheat others day and night.
Though wearing the saffron clothes (ascetics by appearance),
their minds continue to be polluted by allurement of material wealth;
Obsessed by ego, they consider themselves superior to all.
They are seen meditating, telling beads and taking bath at places of pilgrimage;
The dog of greed sits in their hearts and keeps on barking and troubling them.
The fire of lust keeps on erupting in their hearts, even though they do besmear ashes
on their bodies;
They wish to swim across the ocean (of materialism) while holding a stone by the
But, the one who has met the perfect True Master, he dwells in God;
Avtar says, listen O' saints, such a person is immersed in Truth.
Man afflicted with pain and sufferings shrieks and cries for (worldly) help;
He does not remember God who is there to help him every moment.
Man is in deep love with all that is perishable, but does not recognize the eternal one;
He is ever intoxicated by the lust of mammon, forgetting death.
Thus man undergoes births and deaths, suffering through many lives (as different
animate beings);
Avtar says, O' God, be kind and merciful and save this world.
A blind cannot travel on the path just after having listened about it;
He just cannot reach the destination, unless the Guide holds his hand.
In case someone is deaf, he cannot listen to Thy Name;
A wayward can neither sip nor serve the cup of divine nectar.
A person who is dumb cannot sing the glory of God;
Even if he tries a million times, it will amount to crying in vain.
Just as a cripple cannot dare climb the mountain;
Avtar says, likewise, it is not possible for the perverse to sing the glory of God.
Thou art my Lord Master, the Creator, I pray unto Thee;
Body, mind and material assets all belong to Thee, and I present these all unto Thee.
Thou art the parent of all human beings, all are Thy children;
Just with Thy kind grace, one can have comforts in plenty.
Thou art infinite, and unique is Thy entity;
Thou art the loftiest of all, and I depend upon Thy solace.
Thou art fully aware of my limitations and my condition;
Avtar says, I am the servant of Thy servants, and I sacrifice my all at Thy fee.
O' man, the multi-colored material objects that allure your mind;
You must bear in mind that they are all transitory in nature.
The pleasures of the world are like fleeting shadows which come and go, and if you
attach yourself with them;
As soon as the shadows disappear, you shall have to weep and repent.
All that is visible to the eye is transitory, it comes and goes;
He is ignorant and unwise who is enamoured of this.
If one remains clung to what is transitory, he has to repent at last;
He does not gather anything, and he has to leave everything behind.
Those who love the True Saint, get all the comforts of life;
Avtar says, if the True Saint is so pleased, he unites them with himself.
Body, mind, material assets and the kith and kin are mortal, cannot stay forever;
Even the egoist and arrogant people are mortal, cannot stay forever.
Chariots, royal costumes, horses and elephants one may possess are mortal and cannot
stay forever;
Love of the beloved, and cheerful companions are mortal, cannot stay forever.
Youthfulness, power, young age and wealth are mortal, cannot stay forever;
Luxuries, riches and splendor are mortal, cannot stay forever.
The one who perceives God after meeting the True Saints becomes immortal;
Avtar says, the beloved devotee of God remains alive even after death.
Those who deny the existence of the Formless God are not human beings but pagans;
Like (huge) stones they are a burden on the earth, they are worthless, unwanted
Those who are devoid of Divine Name are the defiled ones;
Such persons are bound to get entrapped by Death wherever they go.
Life is a sheer waste, if one does not remember God day and night.
The crop of human life stands parched if there is no rain of divine grace.
To hell with the worldly pursuits, if God's Name is not there;
To hell with the wealth of a miser which does not fetch any comfort.
It is all glory for the person in whose body dwells God;
Avtar says, I sacrifice my heart and soul unto him.
If someone is doing a job that belongs to someone else;
Having no feeling of love in his heart, he only utters that he has love (for God).
But God is omniscient, knows all that is hidden;
The cloak of an ascetic shall be of no avail, the evils shall be exposed.
The one who advises others but himself does not act on what he says;
Take it that he is bound to enter the cycle of birth and death.
The one in whose mind dwells God, becomes one with the Formless;
And the one who obeys him transcends the ocean of materialism.
The one who knows Thee, O' God, and the one who loves Thee;
Avtar says, everyone who seeks the dust of his feet, can transcend the ocean of
I am the servant of the Supreme Lord who is omniscient;
Who is protecting the earth and the sky with His own divine canopy.
God, the creator of the whole universe, is always with His devotee;
Some fail to see Him even from a distance, while others perceive Him so close, so
God is purer than the water of the Ganga river, and is free from all kinds of
hypocrisies and clever designs;
The one who has known God, the omniscient, surpasses all human wisdom.
O' man, you should cling to the feet of such a person who has found favor with God;
Only he can unite others with God, who himself is immersed in Him.
Only he can impart the divine color to others, who himself is imbued with this color;
Avtar says, the True Master knows God and is donor of the whole mankind.
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, this will bring spiritual glow on your face;
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, this will remove impurity from your heart.
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, this will remove your suffering and misery;
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, this will relieve you of vanity and pride.
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, you will see the invisible God;
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, you will keep on prospering.
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, you will sip the divine nectar;
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, you will conquer all the five vices (Lust,
Anger, Greed, Attachment and Pride).
O' man, seek the company of True Saint, your heart shall remain calm;
Avtar says, if you meet perfect True Saint, the mind shall cease to be vagrant.
If you keep company with True saint, the unrest of mind shall go;
If you keep company with True Saint, your heart shall be filled with divine ecstasy.
If you keep company with True Saint, you shall know God instantly;
If you keep company with True Saint, you shall rejoice in divine pleasure.
If you keep company with True Saint, you shall sing the praise of God;
If you keep company with True Saint, your soul shall attain its eternal abode.
If one keeps company with the True Saint, he shall enjoy peace and bliss every
Avtar says, if one meets the perfect True Saint, he shall not remain far from the divine
If one finds the company of True Saint, all his blots are washed off;
If one finds the company of True Saint, the lute of mind starts the music divine.
A True Saint makes one rise above the three qualities (Gunas)-weakness for material
pleasure (Rajo), shortcoming of ignorance (Tamo) and pride of being righteous (Sato);
A True Saint bestows one with spiritual enlightenment.
A True Saint is like a vast ocean which is infinite (knows no bounds);
A True Saint's greatness is beyond description.
A True Saint's greatness could only be narrated by saints;
Avtar says, there is no difference between a True Saint and God.
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, cannot be belied by people of the
Just as the lotus stands in water, and yet it cannot be desecrated by it.
The one whose mind gets illumined, his heart always remains pure and chaste;
Living in this world, enjoying and prospering, he remains unaffected by the material
The one in whose heart dwells the One, looks at everybody with equable eye;
With a touch of the dust of the feet of saints, even a beggar becomes a king.
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, is never found to be discontented,
Avtar says, he is ever grateful to God in all circumstances.
The one who keeps God in mind, remains blissfully tranquil in all circumstances;
Every moment he finds himself in the company of God, and God is always with him.
The one who enshrines God in his mind, God is his sole solace;
The divine name is everything to such a person--his food, his clothing and his family.
The one in whose heart dwells the True Master's word, he is always vigilant against
the mire of materialism;
Those who realize God in the company of true saints, God Himself protects them.
The one in whose heart dwells the True Master, can enable even others to transcend
the ocean of materialism;
Avtar says the one who sings the glory of the True Master, is glorified by the world.
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, is known as God-realized person
(Brahm Giani);
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, has an ever-increasing love for him.
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, is sought after by the angels of God;
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, is himself God.
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, none can assess his worth, he is
beyond it;
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, who will recognize him?
Such a God-realized person can be understood only by a God-realized person.
The one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, ever stays in the abode of peace;
Avtar says, the one in whose heart dwells the Formless God, I pay obeisance to him a
million times.
True Master is great benevolent of the world and can do whatever he likes;
He can make even a stone-hearted person transcend the ocean of materialism, just by
his divine touch.
True Master, the great benefactor can fill the empty bowl of the seeker in no time;
He can remove the veil of ignorance at once, and illumine the mind with divine light.
True Master cures all the ills and ailments with the panacea of Divine Name;
Avtar says, if the Master is perfect, he can reveal God in a trice.
True Master ignores the faults and failings and does not frown at the same;
The spiritual treasure bestowed by the perfect True Master cannot be taken away by
Perfect True Master makes a person transcend the ocean of materialism, and he takes
no time to do it;
Perfect True Master, if one could understand, is no less than God-Almighty Himself.
True Master is himself a pure diamond, and deals in the real gems (of divine wisdom);
Avtar says, True Master is God Himself, the forgiver of all sins.
Perfect True Master, if he is so pleased, can make you rich and prosperous;
Perfect True Master, if he is so pleased, can illumine your heart with divine light.
Perfect True Master, if he is so pleased, can elevate a particle of dust to the heights of
the mountain (Toor);
Perfect True Master, if he is so pleased, can remove the veil of ignorance in a moment.
Perfect True Master, if he is so pleased, can make the crippled climb the mountain;
Avtar says, perfect True Master, if he is so pleased, can enable a maimed person
produce a fine piece of art.
Just as thieves have always been trying to rob the rich;
Likewise, critics have always been opposing saints and making loud cries.
But the saints paid no heed to their criticism, accusations and jeering remarks;
In their congregation, the divine nectar (of Truth) continued to be served round after
The wayward critics, in spite of their countless efforts, could not interrupt the saints
preaching the Truth;
Avtar says, they could never obstruct the path of Truth followed by the perfect True
The religious fanatics perpetrated all types of cruelties upon the saints;
Several were bricked alive by the brutal religious bigots.
Several were crucified, while several others were made to sit on hot-plates;
The worldly people associated together and committed not one but several atrocities
against the saints.
Avtar says, the devouts of God have, however, been taking all the people of the world
as their own;
They faced all ordeals, sufferings and distress cheerfully submitting to the will of God.
True Master appears in this world for the entire humanity;
True Master appears in this world, only for doing good to others.
True Master appears in this world for the emancipation of the world;
True Master appears in this world for preaching oneness of God.
There is no greater a donor than the True Master, and there is no better advice than
what he says;
Avtar says, without True Master, one does not find a place of honor in the Kingdom of
The one who is imbued with God, whatever he does or says;
The one who is imbued with God, he feels the presence of God.
Whatever may happen, such a person does not feel sad at heart;
Whatever may happen, he is ever-engaged in remembrance of divine name.
Whatever is ordained by God, he does welcome it;
He is the one in whose heart the lamp of Divine Name glows all the twenty-four hours.
The saints have emanated from God and shall immerse in Him;
They are blissful here and shall occupy a place of honor in the Kingdom of God.
Glorification of the saints, truly speaking, amounts to glorification of God Himself;
Avtar says, O' dear brothers, God and True Master are just identical.
The one who has realized the Formless God, has his own unique glory;
It is with his grace that the entire world gets salvaged.
Such God-realized saints make the people transcend the ocean of materialism.
Such God-realized saints remove the suffering of the world
Only such devotees shall be united by God with Himself;
The one who remembers God after knowing Him from the True Master shall attain
peace and comfort in this world.
God Himself looks after the needs of such a God-realized person;
The one who is slave of this divine door, is the loftiest.
Avtar says, the one who remembers God is true and pure;
Blessed is his life, and he is greatest among the great.
Just as a pillar holds the load of the roof of a building;
Man's mind gets all support from the True Master.
Just as a burning lamp dispels the darkness;
Likewise a person's soul gets illumined on seeing the True Master.
Just as the light shows the path to the man in darkness;
Avtar says, if one meets the True Saint, he can reveal God to him in no time.
The one (Lord Master) who unites hearts with hearts, take him as the creator of the
The world lives by his grace, take him as donor of the world.
He worries for all, and he looks after all;
All a beg him for good, and none goes empty handed.
O' my mind, remember the one who is immortal;
He is all in all, his entity is unique.
Without his benign grace, man just cannot do anything;
Man may put in countless efforts, he just cannot accomplish any task,
O' my mind, nothing will be of any avail, except Lord Master;
Avtar says, the one who touches the feet of the True Master, shall attain salvation.
There is no place of pilgrimage and holy dip greater than the feet of the True Master;
Without True Master, man is just an animal and cannot become a true human being.
Seek the dust of the True Master's feet and besmear it on your body, bathe in it;
Be pleased to surrender to the True Saints all your assets--physical, mental and
Only such a person can serve the True Saint as is so blessed by himself.
Avtar says, only such a person can sing the praise of God as is made to do so by True
May I tell you the abode of God, in whose quest people of the world are ever engaged;
God dwells in the hearts of the True Saints, and rests on their tongue.
O' man, you won't get this opportunity of human life again, so you must accomplish
the task for which you got it;
Shed all your false vanity and bow down at the feet of the True Saint.
Blessed are those fortunate ones, who have done so;
Those who have enshrined the word of the True Saint in their heart, they have
achieved the aim of human life.
Only some rare one opts for dealing in the Formless God;
Avtar says, I adore a hundred times the blessed trader of the divine name.
O' man, you should consider the words of the True Master more precious than true and
pure pearls;
You should understand that nobody can assess their value, they are invaluable.
Whosoever believes them and acts upon them, does attain salvation;
He transcends the ocean of materialism not only himself, but helps many others to do
He listens to the divine clarinet all the time;
Avtar says, such a person prefers to adhere to True Master's word, leaving aside all
worldly education.
O' my friends, let us all sing together the praise of God;
Let us know and remember God from the True Master, and focus our minds on him.
Let us secure this unique gift, which does not rot or decay and cannot be soaked by
Let us know and remember God from the True Master and transcend the cycle of birth
and death.
Let us illumine our minds with divine light, let us keep God in mind all the time;
Let us know and remember God from the True Master and dwell in this divine abode.
Avtar says, let us bow down at the feet of the True Master, and secure the reward that
one seeks after bathing at sixty-eight places of pilgrimage;
Let us accomplish the task, for which we got this human life.
No doubt, God, the Supreme Donor, is always there with every human being;
But the veil (of ignorance) is removed only if one meets the perfect True Master.
Remember God every moment and break into pieces the vessel of ego;
Remember God constantly, and remove all worries from your mind.
Bow your head at the feet of the True Saint and shed vanity from your heart;
Avtar says, seek the dust of the feet of the True Master and transcend the fiery ocean
of materialism.
O' man, the time once gone cannot be recalled and you shall repent at last;
You shall weep and cry, as you face the Angels of Death.
None of your friends and companions will be of any avail to you;
None of your near relatives and kinsmen shall come to your rescue.
Only True Master shall stand by you at the eleventh hour and not your fair and white
Avtar says, the King of Death cannot ask for an account of deeds from a devotee of
the True Master.
Unless one perceives God, the mind is not satisfied, and there can be no love unless
the mind is satisfied;
There is no devotion (to God) without love, and without devotion it is not possible to
transcend the ocean of materialism
Only True Master makes one perceive God, only True Master satisfies the mind and
only True Master teaches how to love God;
One just cannot have devotion to God without True Master, and if one does so, he is
bound to repent.
If a person realizes God, the Eternal One, from the True Master;
Avtar says, the True Master by his benevolent grace redeems the seeker in a trice.
The sun, the moon and the stars, all appear and disappear, day and night;
The fire, the earth and the water, all rotate all the time.
The air, the life-spirit (jiwa) and the sky, none of them is eternal, static and stable;
None of these (nine) elements can be compared with Eternal Formless God.
God who is shapeless, colorless, and dimensionless;
Avtar says, God cannot be seen without meeting the True Master.
The Perfect True Master does not at all prescribe bathing in the Ganga or Yamuna
(sacred rivers);
The Perfect True Master does not at all prescribe visiting (sacred) places of
pilgrimage, modes of worship and making offerings and donations.
The Perfect True Master does not prescribe the recitation of holy scriptures like Adi
Granth, the Bible, Vedas or Quern;
The Perfect True Master does not at all prescribe living in forests and sitting in trance.
The Perfect True Master tells only to know and perceive the One, God;
The Perfect True Master tells only to focus the mind on One, God.
In the eyes of the Perfect True Master, the high and the low are equal;
In the eyes of the Perfect True Master all human beings are equal.
If one finds such a Perfect True Master, one should bow his head before him;
Avtar says, one should sacrifice one's all unto such a Perfect True Saint.
He is not the True Master, who does not reveal the Infinite God;
He is not the True Master, who does not reveal the manifestation of God in every
He is not the True Master, who does not reveal the Creator and Sustainer of the
He is not the True Master, who does not reveal the Supreme Source of Life.
He is not the True Master, who does not reveal the Infinite and the Dimensionless;
He is not the True Master, who does not reveal the Supreme Being pervading inbetween
the earth and sky.
Just as one blind cannot show the way to another blind;
Avtar says, likewise, an imperfect spiritual guide too cannot reveal the divine secret.
Just as breath is essential for a living being;
Just as a bow is essential for focussing an arrow;
Just as the earth is essential, and so essential is the sky for human life;
Likewise, the divine knowledge attainable from the True Master is essential for love
and devotion to God.
So also is essential God in human form;
Avtar says, the divine gift which is available form the True Master is essential.
By mere utterance of the word 'soap', one cannot wash a single garment;
By spending million years in darkness, one cannot see the light.
By repeatedly reading the prescription, one cannot get rid of the disease;
By mere utterance of the word 'gold' again and again, one cannot earn even a single
By mere mention of the word 'bread' again and again, one cannot overcome his
By mere talk of the matters of pleasure, one just cannot get over his suffering.
If one goes on shouting for 'destination' even while standing at the destination it means
he does not know the place;
One can reach the destination in no time, if he recognizes the destination.
There is no other way to reach God than to first know Him;
The one who knows God, however, can redeem even a sinner.
The one who merely mentions the ways to reach God, and does not make one
recognize Him;
He is not a real saint, and nobody can attain salvation through him.
Only he is the perfect True Master who does reveal God face to face;
Avtar says, except the perfect True Master, everyone else I saw was imperfect.
Those who are greedy of wealth, prescribe rites and rituals;
Those who are greedy of wealth, make people merely chant the name of God again
and again.
Those who are greedy of wealth, prescribe bowing before statues;
Those who are greedy of wealth, prescribe food to be served to idols.
Those who are greedy of wealth, prescribe bathing at places of pilgrimage;
Those who are greedy of wealth, admire the pilgrimage to Mecca, etc.
The one who knows the supreme owner of the wealth, wealth becomes his slave;
Avtar says, the one who touches the feet of the True Master, is liberated from the
gallows of death instantly.
To cast a greedy look at the past, is an illusion (MAYA);
To spend time dreaming of future, is an illusion.
To forget God and rely on the worldly wealth, is an illusion;
To love God just for the show of it and to increase one's vanity, is an illusion.
To get entangled in the lust of worldly objects and to shirk the service of saints, is an
To sit in front of sacred fire for gaining supernatural powers is an illusion.
Without God-knowledge, whatever one eats and drinks, is an illusion;
The entire fabric of the three qualities, is an illusion.
To keep fasts, perform rituals, observe purity and austerity, to make offerings and
donations, is an illusion;
To adopt religious practices to seek deliverance from this illusion, is an illusion.
Whatever one does of his own accord, is nothing but an illusion;
Avtar says, if the True Master so blesses, the illusion of material objects fails to have
its influence.
Unwise is the person, who repeats the divine name without knowing God;
Unwise is the person, who relies on self-effort.
Unwise is the person, who undergoes rigorous penance in order to realize God;
And bears biting cold, scorching heat and acute hunger and keeps awake constantly,
thus tormenting himself to death.
Unwise is the person who wishes to cross the ocean just by swimming;
Unwise is the person, who reposes confidence in rites and rituals, virtues and vices.
The one who leaves aside his own wisdom and seeks shelter of the True Saint;
Avtar says, such a person perceives God in easy, normal way.
The blind, deaf and unwise wayward does not admit his ignorance;
Taking it as milk, he goes on churning water.
He is looking for the Formless, the Boundless, at the conjunction of rivers;
He lights lamps in graveyards, cemeteries and funeral places.
He looks for the all-pervading God in barren, waste lands;
He spares no effort in bowing in reverence before holy scriptures, and worshipping
People spent their lives in search of God, yet they could not perceive Him;
Avtar says, nobody could realize God without the True Master.
If the True Master's instruction dwells in mind, it removes darkness from the mind;
If the True Master's instruction dwells in mind, the heart gets ammoniated;
If the True Master's instruction dwells in mind, the lowly becomes the lofty;
If the True Master's instruction dwells in mind, one gets spiritually enlightened;
If the True Master's instruction dwells in mind, it shows man the straight path;
It the True Master's instruction dwells in mind, even the pauper becomes a king.
How unfortunate that the people of the world have not been able to understand what
the True Master says;
Avtar says, one just cannot understand (what he says) unless he bows his head at the
feet of the True Master.
If we look at the history of the past prophets and sages;
We find that their destinies were changed only by their Divine Masters.
All who appeared in the past till today, could not realize God on their own;
Even Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Guru Nanak could not remove the veil of
ignorance themselves.
Just to show the way to the world, they had to follow the tradition;
Even the prophets had to bow their heads at the door step of their True Masters.
The chord of the kite of divine knowledge has always remained in the hands of the
True Master;
Avtar says, the blind (ignorant) world, however, continued to make all kinds of noise
in vain.
Not one or two but the entire world appears to have gone astray;
Without recognizing the One for whom it stands, they go on repeating the name by
tongue over and over again.
The way wards, swayed by their mind, have put their brains on the wrong track;
They have designed multi-colored idols, and thus created hundreds of Gods.
The ignorant shows the lamp to the One, who Himself has lit the sun and other
He burns the incense before God--the producer of all fragrances.
In the darkness of rites and rituals, what prevails is total mess.
Man wants to offer the first morsel to the One, who Himself feeds every living being.
He is trying to bind the One who is boundless and limitless;
He is deceiving only himself in the false hope of realizing God.
He is building castles in the air on the foundations of what is mere dream;
Avtar says, O' Great God, take pity and save the people of the entire world.
Look at the human beings, all made of the same five elements, they claim to be
different from one another;
Some call themselves as Hindus, the Sikhs, the Christians and others call themselves
as Muslims.
It appears, the man's light of wisdom has been shrouded by the darkness of night
He is harping on the unharmonious tunes of religions and castes.
The people of today seem to be so misguided that they just cannot perceive God who
is so manifest;
Both the guides and the way-fares are blind and are unable to see even a pit in front.
The blind refuses to believe if one makes a mention of the lamp;
Avtar says, one cannot perceive God without meeting the True Master.
You are seeking the path of God from the lumps of earth and the caves;
You are seeking the path of God from the bells and their sound.
You are seeking the path of God from bricks and walls;
You are seeking the path of God from the custodians of religion.
You are seeking the path of God from the rivers like Ganga;
You are seeking the path of God from the fleeting shadows.
You are seeking the path of God from Vedas and other sacred books;
You are seeking the path of God from sects of various religions.
You are seeking the path of God from the fake saints;
You are seeking the path of God from saints with hereditary seats of sectarian
You are seeking the path of God from those who themselves have lost their way and
are wandering wilderness;
You are seeking the path of God from man eaters and butchers.
You are seeking the path of God from graveyards, cemeteries and funeral places;
You are seeking the path of God from forests and barren lands.
You are seeking the path of God from portraits printed on paper;
You are seeking the path of God from false sages and seers.
You are seeking the path of God from those who themselves are helpless and prisoner.
You are seeking the path of God from those who themselves are far away from the
You are moving from pillar to post in vain wasting time, energy and resources.
Avtar says, why don't you seek the shelter of the True Master and get the bandage (of
ignorance) removed (from your eyes)?
Though vast quantity of water is hidden in the earth;
Though the story of fire is hidden in every straw of wood.
The thirst cannot be quenched unless the water comes out (of the earth);
Nothing can be done unless the fire comes out (of the wood)
A mere dream-boat cannot take a full load of people across the stream;
The lamp, unless it is lit, cannot dispel the darkness.
The appetite of an empty stomach cannot be satiated unless the meal is placed right in
Avtar says, one cannot know God, unless the prophet is face to face.
Pious are the feet of the True Master and pure are those who kiss them;
Great is the worship of the True Master and the one who worships him is great.
True is his divine glimpse and true is the one who has it;
True is to remember him and true is the one who remembers him.
True is the entity of the True Master, he is the savior of the world;
He is the truth and virtue personified, and the bestrew of virtue.
True and pure are those who proclaim the truth;
Avtar says, everything of theirs is true, who always live with the Truth.
The Formless God is the True Master of His devotee, He Himself safeguards him;
And protects him in every ordeal, suffering and distress.
He is the bestow of glory, He bestows respect and honor upon the humble one;
He Himself grants the strength to the humble one to remember His Name.
The Supreme Lord always protects the honor and respect of His devotee only;
The Supreme Lord bestows grace only on His devotee every moment.
Only the devotee of this Supreme Lord commands the loftiest position;
The devotee of this Supreme Lord is above the entire world.
The devotee who is blessed by the Supreme Lord, his grace knows no bounds;
Avtar says, the people of the entire world can transcend the ocean of materialism, if
they obey his command.
The devotee of the Supreme Lord obeys His every command;
The devotee of the Supreme Lord serves the whole mankind.
The devotee of the Supreme Lord is replete with virtue;
The devotee of the Supreme Lord remains away from all the evils.
The devotee of the Supreme Lord always has God with him;
The devotee of the Supreme Lord is always imbued with the divine color.
The devotee of the Supreme Lord ever enchants His name;
The devotee of the Supreme Lord always finds his honor safeguarded by Him.
The devotee of the Supreme Lord does not cry and make loud prayers;
Avtar says, even the Supreme Lord Himself remembers that devotee.
God can get any task accomplished from the one upon whom He casts His divine
He can make a tiny ant kill an elephant.
The one who has the blessings of the True Master, is never scared of the world;
Death cannot kill even the servant of the devotee of God.
The world just cannot dare kill him so long as it is not destined by God Himself;
Life and death are in the hands of God and none else has this power.
The insane pervert is ever engrossed in his own thoughts and is victim of his own
Avtar says, the one who has remembered the divine name, transcends birth and death.
Keep on saying "Tuhi - Tuhi Nirankar" (Thou Formless One), and remember God
every moment;
Drink this divine nectar to your fill, and secure relief for the body and joy for the
The one who has heard the divine name from the True Master and realized it;
He does not see anyone else in this world.
He takes God's name as his wealth and he enjoys the beauty and the youth;
He enjoys all bounties while living in God, realizing the divine name always with
Fortunate is the man who sips the cup of divine name with love and affection;
God's name pulsates in every tissue of his body and he lives only with the support of
the divine name,
He has the divine name on his lips all the time, while sitting, standing, eating or
Avtar says, only rare few, however, seek the shelter of the True Master.
Those who utter the words 'Tuhi-Tuhi' from their tongue day and night;
They seek only this solace in every ordeal, in weal and woe.
The one who shows devotion to the True Master, sings the praise of the Formless God;
God dwells is him and he dwells in God.
He is ever grateful to God, be it prosperity or adversity;
He takes the present as pleasant and trusts that the future too would be fine.
How can I sing the praise of the person, who is beyond praise?
He is the master of all virtues, possesses limitless virtues.
The one who always thinks of the feet of the True Master;
Avtar says, the Formless God dwells in such a human being.
O' my mind, you should always seek shelter of the perfect man of God;
You should surrender your all - body, mind and wealth, leaving the company of evil
Once one realizes the Formless God and knows His grandeur;
He who realizes God-Knowledge, becomes the master of three worlds.
In the company of such a blessed person, one's heart finds solace;
On meeting such a blessed person, one rises above virtue and vice;
Seek the company of such a blessed person, if you want your welfare;
Cling to the feet of such a blessed person, leaving aside all your cleverness.
This will relieve you of the cycle of birth and death, you shall not come and go;
Avtar says, if you worship the feet of the True Master, you shall attain salvation.
The one who reveals the Formless God is known as the True Master;
The True Master makes one board the vessel of divine name and cross the ocean of
The True Master himself safeguards his disciples;
The True Master bestows grace and benevolence upon his disciples.
The True Master cleans the minds of his disciples as a mirror;
The True Master forgives his disciples' faults and failings.
The True Master breaks all the bondage’s of his disciples;
The True Master diverts the minds of his disciples from vices.
The True Master loves his disciples more than all other people of the world;
The True Master loves his disciples more than his own sons and daughters.
The True Master takes only his disciples as his religion and faith;
Avtar says, the True Master takes his disciples as his own life-spirit.
The disciple of the True Master always remains a humble servant;
The disciple does whatever is ordained by the True Master.
The disciple may have any amount of intellectual ability, he counts himself as
The disciple may have countless riches, he considers himself to be the dust of the True
Master's feet.
At the door-step of the True Master, the disciple surrenders himself as if he has no
identity of his own;
Even if he commits a wrong unintentionally, he feels extremely repentant.
The true disciple renders selfless service and does not expect any reward;
Avtar says, the True Master confers name and fame upon such a disciple.
Just as the love of red legged partridge (choker) for the moon is proverbial;
Just as the love of the black bee (Bhanwra) for the flower is proverbial;
Just as the moth (Patanga) has love for the burning lamp;
Similar is the love of the devoted disciple for the True Master.
Just as the fish cannot live without water even for a moment;
Likewise, the disciple cannot detract his mind from the True Master.
Just as the sparrow hawk (Papiha) craves for the single drop of rain water known as
Likewise, the disciple's eye yearns for just one wink of the True Master.
Just as the myrtle (Mehandi) does not leave its imprint for pretty long;
Avtar says, likewise, the disciple cannot be separated from the True Master.
Just as a house without its master looks deserted;
Likewise, for a disciple it is broad daylight if he can see the True Master; and without
his glimpse it is absolute darkness for him.
Just as the thirsty is not prepared to hear about anything except water;
Just as the desolate lover does not like to listen to anyone except his beloved;
Just as the bud smiles on seeing the flowers bloom;
Just as the married woman feels delighted on seeing her husband;
Just as the peacock dances at the sight of dark clouds in the sky;
Avtar says, likewise, the disciple feels overjoyed on seeing the True Master.
The disciple has always on his lips the glory of his True Master;
He imbibes his love in heart and praise on tongue, and this is his life style.
The disciple looks upon others with the vision bestowed by the True Master and hears
them with the ears of the True Master;
The disciple picks up the pearls from the ocean of divine knowledge.
The disciple keeps the entity of the True Master in his mind and goodwill of others in
his heart;
He is united with the True Master all the time, in all circumstances.
The disciple is not duped at all by the fascinating look of material objects;
Avtar says, the disciple does not reckon for reliance anyone except the True Master.
The True Master, who has been kind to you, and from whom you have got the gift of
The True Master, who has been kind to you, and from whom you have realized God;
The True Master, with whose benevolence you have enjoyed the bliss of Godknowledge;
The True Master, with whose benevolence you have recognized God;
The True Master who has entrusted all his divine treasures to you;
The True Master who has gifted all his divine treasure to you.
You should always remember such True Master, keep him in your mind every
You should sacrifice your body, mind and belongings unto such True Master.
The True Master dwells in God and God dwells in True Master and he has no separate
entity of his own;
God's Name is the greatest wealth and there is no greater boon than this.
None of your cleverness and intelligence would be of any avail;
Avtar says, they are the fortunate ones, who have attained divine consciousness.
The True Master is body and soul of a disciple and the latter always contemplates of
Even after receiving all glory, the disciple remains humble and is not at all proud.
The word of the True Master is his wealth and love of the True Master his asset;
He utters the Name of God every moment, and consider himself the dust of the divine
The disciple of the True Master is blissfully indifferent towards pleasure and pain;
He enjoys the material comforts as boon from the True Master.
Unbounded love flows from his heart, and his lips are ever engaged in offering
Avtar says, True Master is always with such a devoted disciple.
The divine glimpse of the True Master is the greatest boon, it makes the mind pure;
With the dust of the True Master's feet, the pollution of mind gets washed away.
The one who sings the glory of God in the company of the True Master;
Such a person finds the way to the palatial abode of the Formless God.
If one listens to the word of the True Master, it provides pleasure to the ears;
The perturbed mind gets peace and one finds solace at heart.
The word of the perfect True Master is known as ever-lasting.
Whatever divine secret is revealed by the True Master, is eternal and it does not come
and go.
The glory of the True Master is great and beyond description;
Avtar says, God can be perceived only if the True Master so desires.
I have only one tongue in my mouth, whereas the qualities of the Formless God are
God is neither born, nor created by anyone, He is self-existent and none is like Him.
How can a mortal describe the glory of the Immortal?
How can a tiny drop dare speak before the vast Ocean?
Though the Supreme Provider of all provisions, He himself does not eat or drink
God is eternal, beyond time, ever alive since ages.
The devotee saints of God remember this One, every moment;
They bow their heads every moment at the pious and sublime feet of the True Master.
O' man you should meet such a True Master, and keep on remembering God by
saying, "Tuhi-Tuhi" (Thou Formless One);
Avtar says, worship the True Master and keep bowing at his feet.
The Formless God is the creator of the whole universe, and whosoever physical frame
He dwells in;
Death cannot come to such a person and even the King of Death is scared of him.
Only rare few sip this divine nectar from the True Master;
Such an enlightened person lives for ages and becomes immortal.
The one who remembers God from the core of his heart all the time;
God Himself stands in his place and attends to his duty.
Such an enlightened one has no attachment with material objects his heart is free from
lust for them;
He totally relies upon God and reposes faith in Him.
Just as the lamp brings light in the pitch dark;
Avtar says, likewise, the benevolent True Master removes all the doubts and
The Formless God is above all qualities, and yet has all the qualities in Him;
He is present in every object, and yet aloft every object.
He Himself knows about His game, He Himself plans it;
He Himself knows His true entity, He Himself reveals His real self.
He manifests Himself whenever He is so pleased, and conceals Himself as and when
He wishes so;
He Himself plants and uproots; He Himself constructs and dismantles.
He is the only one of His kind; His entity is matchless;
He Himself is the body as well as the soul, He is the life source of all living beings.
He is One entity manifest in many forms; He Himself constitutes the entire network of
the universe;
He Himself is the ocean, the waves, the bank, the oarsman.
All the multifaceted nature is His own; He Himself has displayed this game (of the
Avtar says, great is the glory of that person who understands Him (the Formless God).
O' man, seek the company of saints and think and talk about God;
Keep the word of the True Master in mind and have reliance upon the One.
All other ways and means and the efforts are futile;
Divert your mind from the mundane materialism, and concentrate it on the feet of the
True Master.
He is the creator, sustainer and provider of the whole world too;
Be united with him, he is the supreme lord and the doer of everything too.
The one who acquires this wealth of God knowledge and fills his treasures, becomes a
truly rich person;
Avtar says this divine treasure can be had only by the one who becomes servant of the
True Master once for all.
The wealth for which man struggles so hard that he keeps on running even while tired;
If he serves the True Master, the same automatically falls to his feet.
The comforts which, O' my friend, you are always looking for;
You will find them all with you, if you love the saints.
The respect to earn which you perform all types of good deeds;
If you keep serving the saints, the same shall be yours in no time.
You may take countless medicines, your disease (of ego) shall not be cured;
But if you take the divine elixir, all your sorrow shall end.
The treasure of divine name is more precious than all other riches;
Avtar says, this divine treasure can be had by bowing at the feet of the True Master.
If the word of the True Master dwells in mind, it illuminates the mind fully;
It brings contentment and peace and removes all duality.
The journey of life becomes smooth and every difficulty stands resolved;
One receives honor and respect everywhere, if he becomes humble and polite.
In this turbulent world, coolness will come only from the divine name;
Constant remembrance of the Formless God shall provide every comfort and relief.
All the doubts and fears are removed and the cherished desire gets fulfilled;
If love and devotion are combined, the soul also gets illuminated.
One starts dwelling in the heavenly abode, which is eternal;
Avtar says, the whole world is just an illusion, a store falsehood.
O' man, the wealth will not go with you as you depart from the world at last;
The material world which you love most would be of no avail at the end.
The family, the wife, the son and companions;
Why do you take them as yours? None of them is your (real) relation.
Even if you are a ruler, have plenty of wealth and riches;
Even if you have all luxuries of life, you shall not attain deliverance.
You may ride an elephant, horse or drive a motor car;
All these are mere mirage, the entire structure is false.
The unwise, who shall forget the great gracious God;
Avtar says, bereft of divine knowledge, such a person shall have to repent at last.
The true saints, the devotee saints of God, proclaim only one thing;
That, even the wisest would find themselves drowning, if they give up devotion to
O' my friends, you must render devotion to God, and you shall be rewarded for it;
This will make the mirror of your heart clean and the mind shall become pure.
If you enshrine in your mind the love of the sublime feet of the True Master;
All the dirt and dross of the past ages, will get removed and you shall dwell in the
eternal abode.
You should know God yourself and make others remember the divine name;
The whole world has gone astray, show them the way.
The divine name is the real and true wealth, use only this wealth in all your dealings;
Avtar says, you should always remember God and say "Tuhi - Tuhi - Nirankar" (Thou
Formless One).
Keep on remembering God, saying "Tuhi-Tuhi Nirankar" (Thou Formless One), keep
on singing the praise of God;
Remember Him every moment, and make Him dwell in your heart.
Keep on enchanting His glory, He is pure and infinite;
Keep on remembering Him; He is the Supreme Lord.
He is the only One pure and eternal, the only One pervading all;
His name is there on every leaf, He is the shadow in every particle.
He is the one who transcends into many, and all do emanate from the One.
Those who realize this One, get immersed in this One.
Those who are imbued with the divine, color of this One, do enjoy the bliss;
Avtar says, those who have known this One, are the devotee saints of God.
By applying dust of the saints' feet on the forehead, one's mind becomes pure;
By applying dust of the saints' feet on the forehead, the entire world becomes friendly.
By applying dust of the saints' feet on the forehead, one is always happy;
By applying dust of the saints' feet on the forehead, the shackles of Death are
By applying dust of the saints' feet on the forehead, one gets the glimpse of God;
By applying dust of the saints' feet on the forehead, one rises above virtue and vice.
By applying dust of the saints' feet on the forehead, the cycle of birth and death ends;
By applying dust of the saints' feet on the forehead, the human beings are redeemed.
If one comes across a true saint, he should apply the dust of his feet on the forehead,
Avtar says, he is the luckiest one who gets this divine panacea.
If you wish to attain the wealth of the divine name, you must respect the True Master;
Prostrate yourself before him, and say, "O' my Lord, be kind and gracious to me.
This beggar has come to your divine door, kindly fill my empty wallet (bag) with the
gift of life;
Fill my begging bowl with your love, be kind to me and do me this favor.
Lovely are your feet, grant the dust thereof to this servant of yours;
Drench me in your own color and grant the asset which does not get lost.
Bless me that I may think and remember only you by every breath of life;
And that I may not be lured by the glamour of the multifaceted world of materialism.
You never send back a seeker empty handed, this has been the divine tradition ever
since beginning;
Bless me that my love for you lasts till my last breath.
I have taken your shelter and you are my sole benefactor;
Avtar says, bless me that I keep on bathing in the dust of your feet."
Just as the son is dear to his mother, and the brother to his sisters;
The hungry craves for bread and the thirsty for water;
The rich loves his money and the child loves milk;
Avtar says, likewise, the devotees love their Divine Master.
You are the great donor, the treasure-house of charities, and the sole benefactor of the
Be kind and fill my empty bowl, and unveil all your secrets.
You are the Supreme Lord of the Universe, you are the True Master and the Almighty
You are the sustainer of the whole world and you are the beauty, youth and the wealth.
Your entity is supreme, you are the creator and sustainer of all;
You are the capital, the asset of the devotees and the support to the souls.
Perfect True Master is the supreme architect of the world, and he removes doubts from
the hearts;
He bestows the light of his Divine Name and illumines my heart.
I am an uncultured and imprudent person, I am unaware of the Truth, I have lost my
way, show the path to me;
Strike the match of your divine knowledge and kindle the lamp of my mind.
I possess no distinctive attribute or quality, I am the lowliest of the lowly and ignorant;
O' Lord Master, I have come under the shade of your divine grace.
With folded hands I pray to you and I pay obeisance to you a million times;
Avtar says, listen, O' Lord Master of the World, fill my empty bowl with your Divine
No matter if one lives in a thatched hut and has frugal meals.
No matter if one does manual labor the whole day long and wears torn clothes;
No matter if one is not cared for wherever he goes;
No matter if one is bankrupt, is not handsome and is not liked by anyone.
No matter if none is his friend, companion or relative;
Avtar says, even such a person is king of the world, if he is able to love God.
O' my mind, remove the bandage of ignorance from your eyes, and do not waste the
precious time;
You are in vain engaged day and night in the material world.
Having clung to the material objects, you have forgotten their supreme giver-God;
What to speak of earning interest, you are losing even the principal.
Your son, wife, parents and wealth shall desert you at last;
O' my friend, a day will come when all of them will describe you as a ghost, an evil
You were born and brought up in falsehood, you are playing in falsehood, and you
have falsehood within and without;
Even rites and rituals, which you regard as true, amount to a false trade.
Lost in carnal pleasures, you have forgotten God, the Creator;
Avtar says, this mind can never be purified without the True Master.
There have been many who sat by the side of sacred fire, hung themselves upside
down and got their skin removed bit by bit;
There have been many who kept on repeating the name of God until they lost energy
to speak, became dumb, and wasted their lives sitting in trance.
There have been many who kept fasts for days together and thus tortured themselves
with hunger;
There have been many who kept on bathing in rivers till their bodies got spoiled;
There have been many who went to the places of pilgrimage and gave away money
There have been many who pinned false hopes on graveyards and funeral places;
There have been many who went praying to places of pilgrimage, shrines and
Even then, none could know Thy glory and greatness.
Who in the world is one's own and what does not belong to him;
Avtar says, nobody has been able to understand this without the True Master.
O' man, by the singing of glory of the True Master, all disputes and the troubles do
O' man, by the singing of glory of the True Master, one gets spiritual glow on his face.
O' man, by the singing of glory of the True Master, one sees no trouble and his heart is
at pace;
O' man, by the singing of glory of the True Master, even poison turns into sugar.
O' man, by the singing of glory of the True Master, even sinners turn pious;
O' man, by the singing of glory of the True Master even the dead become alive.
One can sing the glory of the Perfect True Master only with his divine grace;
Avtar says, the perfect True Master removes the net of materialism in a trice.
All our shackles of the material world are broken if we apply the dust of the feet of the
True Master on our forehead;
The Angel of Death is conquered, if we apply the dust of the feet of the True Master
on our forehead.
The whole account of our deeds stands cleared, if we apply the dust of the feet of the
True Master on our forehead;
All our faults and failings are forgiven, if we apply the dust of the feet of the True
Master on our forehead.
We attain God knowledge in a moment, if we apply the dust of the feet of the True
Master on our forehead;
We do not get entangled in doubts and delusions, if we apply the dust of the feet of the
True Master on our forehead.
The heart gets peace and the eyes become cool, if we apply the dust of the feet of the
True Master on our forehead.
The whole universe becomes our own, if we apply the dust of the feet of the True
Master on our forehead.
Like a lotus in water, we can stay detached in the world of materialism, if we apply the
dust of the feet of the True Master on our forehead;
The whole body stands transformed, if we apply the dust of the feet of the True Master
on our forehead.
None can rely on this mortal body, nobody knows when one may breathe his last;
Avtar says, if you come across the True Saint, you must apply the dust of his feet on
your forehead.
We remain intoxicated by the divine name, if we please our True Master;
The Master of divine elixir becomes our own, if we please our True Master;
O' man, the dirt and dross of ego gets washed off, if we please our True Master;
Our body, mind and the tongue remain pure, if we please our True Master;
We get all the bounties of life, if we please our True Master;
The lotus of our hearts blossoms, if we please our True Master;
Pride vanishes from the mind, if we please our True Master;
We keep enjoying the bliss constantly, if we please our True Master;
The soul gets united with God, if we please our True Master;
Avtar says, we do not suffer from any want, if we please our True Master.
The sign of the wayward is that they are always engrossed in the material world;
The sign of the wayward is that they worship the graves and the funeral places;
The sign of the wayward is that they suffer from lust and mammon;
The sign of the wayward is that they toil day and night without any reward;
The sign of the wayward is that they are always obsessed by ego;
The sign of the wayward is that they always stay away from saints;
The sign of the wayward is that they love only their own, kith and kin;
The sign of the wayward is that they forget the Formless God.
The distressed wayward always keeps on bemoaning and crying;
Avtar says, like a gambler, he loses the precious game of life at last.
The one who is bereft of the wealth of the divine name (God), repents at last;
The one who is bereft of the wealth of the divine name, weeps and cries.
The one who is bereft of the wealth of the divine name, is greedy and proud;
The one who is bereft of the wealth of the divine name, is a sinner and worldly person.
The one who is bereft of the wealth of the divine name, is a penniless pauper;
The one who is bereft of the wealth of the divine name, is unfortunate brute.
The one who is bereft of the wealth of the divine name, is diseased from birth after
The one who is bereft of the wealth of the divine name, is always in sorrow and grief.
Avtar says, the one who has sipped the cup of divine name from the True Master;
Such a person has applied the dust of the feet of saints on his forehead, and achieved
the aim of life.
In order to find the 'all-pervading' God, many go to forests;
In order to find the 'all-pervading' God, many besmear ashes on their bodies;
In order to find the 'all-pervading' God, many sit in silent trance;
In order to find the 'all-pervading' God, many take a holy dip in Ganga and Yamuna;
In order to find the 'all-pervading' God, many perform religious ceremonies and
recitation of holy scriptures;
In order to find the 'all-pervading' God, many worship the past saints and hermits;
In order to find the 'all-pervading' God, many sacrifice their all;
In order to find the 'all-pervading' God, many wended from pillar to post.
Those who shed their ego and cleverness and seek shelter of the True Saint;
Avtar says, with the grace of the True Master, they dwell in their real abode.
O' man, engrossed in the material world, you are wasting precious human life;
Cursed is all that you eat and drink, without the divine name i.e., God.
You have love for the wicked, but harass the saints;
O' wayward, you suffer the hell, and reap the fruit of your own misdeeds.
Salvation cannot be attained without True Master, even if you keep on performing
countless rites and rootless;
You are undergoing pangs of birth and death ever weeping and crying.
You do not care for the word of the True Master, and so you repent at last;
You wear the noose of rites and rituals around your neck.
Nothing is lost yet, you can even now seek refuge of the True Master;
Avtar says, listen O' brother, even now you can transcend the ocean of materialism by
seeking the company of saints.
The one who finds the perfect True Master, the account of his deeds stands settled;
By applying the dust of the True Master's feet, one's destiny gets changed.
The one who has realized the Almighty God, transcends the ocean of materialism;
Only such a person is happy in the world, while all others remain afflicted with pain
and misery.
Hot winds (of material world) do not affect the person upon whom the True Master
bestows his grace;
He is happy here and hereafter, and the True Master is always with him everywhere.
Devotees win laurels and they are hailed in the world;
But the critics are condemned in this world, and cursed even by the Angels of Death.
The devotees and the wayward do have divergent paths;
Avtar says, listen O' saints, the gait of the two is never the same.
A person may be good-looking and young and possess countless riches and the wealth;
People may salute him wherever he goes, and he may be respected everywhere.
He may have numerous servants and may not have to do any work personally.
He may have cozy cots and lovely beds, and may enjoy luxurious sleep.
He may be doing countless charitable acts and giving generous donations, and may
win name and fame all over the world;
Avtar says, cursed is such a person, if the has not realized God.
Man moves from place to place inquiring as to how to know God;
He declares: "I am prepared to sacrifice even my life for the one who may make me
realize God.
I shall serve him like a faithful dog, and work as a menial;
I shall surrender unto him all my assets--physical, mental and material, and shall
always remain a slave to him.
Shedding all my pride and vanity, I shall keep on remembering the divine name (God)
as he tells me;
Every tissue of my body shall keep on saluting him all the time.
I shall keep on bathing in the dust of his pious feet;
I shall never forget the favor done to me by the one who makes me realize the
Formless God."
O' man, seek the shelter of the True Master, and obliterate your own entity;
Avtar says, you should then pray before the benevolent True Master to unite you with
the Almighty God.
The Formless God is greatest of the great, and none can encompass His vastness;
Hermits, ascetics and the wise men do not know His secret.
The sun, the moon and the stars, all obey His divine command;
The air, the life-spirit and the sky also act as per His direction.
The earth, the water, the fire also always obey His command;
Every particle of the universe feels grateful to God for His benevolence.
God can destroy the whole Universe in a moment, if He so wills;
He can extend it, He can squeeze it, whenever He so wills.
The entire material world is liable to perish, only Thou remain untouched (eternal) and
Avtar says without the perfect True Master, Thy greatness cannot be glorified.
If sins could be washed off by bathing in holy rivers and reservoirs;
Then each and every fish, frog and tortoise would have attained salvation.
Donations made in a dream cannot be taken as an act of charity;
And it is not a holy bath, if it does not cleanse the mind.
O' man, entangled in rites and rituals, you will only waste your life;
If this opportunity is lost, you will have to repent.
The True Master is the soil where plants of faith are grown;
And here devotees taste the delicious fruit of salvation.
There is no better act in the world than the service of a true saint;
Avtar says, no religion is greater than the realization of God.
What is this theory of past deeds? What is their load we carry on our heads?
What is the complexity about the heaven and the hell? What is the soul and what is the
Formless God?
What is the lust? What is the anger? What is greed, passion or pride?
What is renunciation? What is asceticism? What is preached as the religious doctrine?
Do ask the intellectuals as to why they say they are baffled?
Why is their wisdom perplexed on the question of virtues and vices?
What did the man come for in this world, and what did he lose here?
No intellectual can understand who is the Creator and what is His creation.
Nobody knows the meaning of the 'word' as Master and 'meditation' as disciple;
Avtar says, one cannot understand all these questions without the grace of the perfect
True Master.
A person who turns his face from the saints cannot find happiness and peace;
He cannot reform himself without being blessed by the company of saints.
In the company of the True Saint the barren life turns green;
It removes hunger and want, it ushers in prosperity.
Eat, drink and be merry, is not the aim of life;
Cursed is the man who possesses all bounties of life but does not remember the
Formless God.
One may be the king of the entire world, but if he does not remember the divine name
He is just like an unbridled horse without the master.
There is one and the only one God behind the whole game, and there is no elaborate
infrastructure involved;
Avtar says, the True Master is God Himself, let there be no doubt about this.
O' unwise, why are you wasting your time in performing rites and rituals?
Why do you wear the noose of the cycle of birth and death around your neck again and
What is the method by which the soul can be liberated?
A fetter, whether of gold or iron, is a fetter indeed.
One cannot attain deliverance from the noose by performing rituals, without divine
Man cannot attain salvation without realizing God.
Shackless cannot be broken with shackles, trying it is in vain;
Millions of flowers made of paper cannot bring the spring.
As the light of human soul mingles with the celestial light of the Super Soul, it
becomes the celestial light itself;
Avtar says, if a drop of water joins the ocean, it is described as ocean itself.
God, who created this earth, the fire as also the cold and sweet water;
God, who created the life-spirit and the sky and gifted this human life too;
God, whose glory could not be described by the scholars and even by the holy
God, who gifted to man the pleasant air, the sun, the moon, and the stars with all their
God, who gifted to man the ears to listen, and beautiful eyes to see;
God, who gifted to man the lovely hands to touch the holy feet of the True Master;
God, who gifted to man the lovely feet for going to the congregation of saints;
God, who gifted to man the tongue to sing the praise of the True Master;
Could anyone tell me why should I not remember such benevolent Supreme Lord each
Avtar says, I express my gratitude to this Almighty every moment.
The omniscient God cannot be pleased by clever designs;
The omniscient God cannot be pleased by repeated prostration, recitation of scriptures
and the rotation of the beads of rosary;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by melodious tunes and rhythms;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by numerous modes of worship and sacrifices
The omniscient God cannot be pleased by growing long hair;
The omniscient God cannot be pleased by mere noble thoughts.
The omniscient God cannot be pleased by wearing saffron robes;
The omniscient God cannot be pleased by speeches or articles.
God can be pleased only if the True Master is well pleased;
Avtar says, if True Master is kind and gracious, even a tiny particle can touch the sky.
The Lord Master cannot be won over by mere slogans of praise;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by mere ringing of bells;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by the sound of cymbals;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by loud cries;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by burning incense in the temples;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by offering millions of flowers;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by burning the incessant sacred flames;
The Lord Master cannot be won over by making toilsome efforts.
In order to win over the Lord Master, one has to shed one's ego and pride;
Avtar says, one has to bow his head at the door of the True Master.
Formless God cannot be perceived by any amount of intelligence and dexterity;
Formless God cannot be perceived by higher education and learning;
Formless God cannot be perceived by millions of clever designs;
Formless God cannot be perceived by bondages of rites and rituals;
Formless God cannot be perceived by any false appearances;
Formless God cannot be perceived by loud calls and recitation.
If the True Master is kind and gracious, he can make the impossible possible;
Avtar says, if the perfect True Master is pleased, he can reveal the Formless God face
to face.
Glorifying God without perceiving Him, amounts to a cry for the moon;
Glorifying God without perceiving Him, amounts to proceeding in the opposite
Glorifying God without perceiving Him, amounts to falsifying the truth;
Glorifying God without perceiving Him, amounts to trying to set the water on fire;
Glorifying God without perceiving Him, amounts to quenching thirst with fire;
Glorifying God without perceiving Him, amounts to wasting human life;
Glorifying God without perceiving Him, amounts to an exercise in futility;
Glorifying God without perceiving Him, amounts to opting for repeated births and
Glorifying God after perceiving Him, amounts to real adoration;
Avtar says, those who have realized God through the True Master have attained divine
The one who first knows the Formless God and then sings His praise;
He transcends births and deaths and attains salvation.
The one who knows the Formless God, he gets redeemed;
None can ask for account of his deeds, he stands relieved everywhere.
The one who knows the Formless God, all that he eats and drinks is worthy of
The one who knows the Formless God, everything he wears is worthy of its use.
The one who knows the Formless God, none of his actions is aimless;
The one who knows the Formless God, he has no pain and grief.
The people of the world are performing rituals without perceiving God, the whole
world has gone astray;
Avtar says, the Formless God cannot be perceived without the grace of the True
Just as a flower remains indifferent to the thorns by its side;
Likewise, the devotee of God does not feel bothered by the worldly people.
Unlike the world, whatever he speaks is not hollow, not matched with action;
He lives in this material world totally detached like lotus in water.
Just as the sandalwood does not give up its fragrance even though surrounded by the
Likewise, the devotee of God remembers God's name by every breath.
Just as the duck living in water remains aloft it;
Avtar says, likewise, the devotee of God is not influenced by the illusion of the
material world.
You may keep on enchanting or get recited the Holy Scriptures, undergo penance or
sit in silent meditation;
You may keep on reading the Holy Scriptures like Vedas, Smritis and Shastras and
thus spoil your eyes;
You may perform all rites and rituals, undertake profound meditation (yoga) and be
true to your own religion;
You may even renounce the world and start dwelling in forests.
You may perform the various types of religious acts, you may donate diamonds and
You may go on repeating the name of God by every breath and keep on making
laborious efforts day and night.
You may get a part of your body chopped off and put it into the sacred fire as sacrifice
every day;
You may keep fasts day and night, you may keep on performing several other acts.
Whatever you do shall remain an exercise in futility, if you have not known the One
Almighty God;
Avtar says, O' man, none of these acts shall be of any avail without the divine name.
O' man, you may keep on changing your countenance, the fire in your mind shall not
get extinguished;
You may keep on following any number of customs, these shall not be acceptable in
the Kingdom of God.
Your own actions shall get you trapped at the end of the journey of life;
And get you confined in heaven or the hell.
You shall undergo births and deaths to reap the fruits of your actions;
And hanging upside down in the mother's womb, you shall shriek and groan.
None shall come to your rescue, you shall burst into tears;
You may become a horse, a donkey, a dog and thus undergo the cycle of birth and
Only those attain salvation who realize the Name of God;
Avtar says, only the disciples of the True Master sing the glory of God.
O' Supreme Lord, Thou art the greatest donor, how can anyone describe Thy glory?
Thy entity is the loftiest and purest, and Thy name is the Formless One;
How powerful Thou art, how charming Thou art;
How benevolent and gracious Thou art, How numerous are Thy forms;
I am lowly, worthless person, how can I describe Thee?
I am not even worthy of dedicating my life unto Thee.
The person who beholds Thee everywhere becomes spiritually enlightened;
He recognizes the Eternal Soul, the Celestial Light;
Avtar says, whosoever comes to the True Master, shall know the secret of the One;
And he shall sing the praise of God, the Sustainer of all living beings.
O' man, on the path of death, which is hazy and absolutely dark;
If you have the lamp of divine knowledge with you, you shall find your way
No worldly relations shall accompany you there;
Nothing except the wealth of Divine Name shall be acceptable.
At the time of departure from this world, even Karu and Alexander were empty
None except the True Master, shall accompany you to the temple of the King of
All that is visible is false, an illusion, and this world of materialism shall go;
This body of clay shall be reduced to dust, on the appointed day.
Those who have pleased their True Master, and submitted to the will of God;
Avtar says, only they possess the true treasure of Divine Name.
The whole universe is the creation of the One, the manifestation of the One;
Only the One is omnipresent yet distinct from all.
He is the One who is with all beings, and the guardian of all;
And look, all the people of the world are enamoured of the same One.
The One who is sustaining every particle of the universe;
This is the One divine secret which all the people of the world are yearning to know.
If you wish to know the divine secret of this One, you must seek shelter at the feet of
the True Saint;
You must become the dust of his feet, give up all your reasoning and boasting.
God is invisible, flawless and omniscient, and the perfect True Master knows all;
Avtar says, none can transcend the ocean of materialism without the True Master.
O' man, the palace in which you dwell is built on the foundation of sand;
What you call the human body is just the product of one drop,
Your mortal frame which you equate with moon, is just like a toy of clay;
The imprudent man loses the gold for the sake of dust.
Do not be proud, if you possess beautiful appearance;
In reality, it is the image of God that fascinates one and all.
The beauty, the youth that you possess, is a mere illusion;
Don't be proud of it, it is like a fleeting shadow.
If you seek the benevolence of the True Master and shed all your vanity;
Avtar says, you shall become pure and exalted and get rid of the disease of ego.
He is the highest of all, most revered and the chief;
Who serves the True Master and gets rid of ego.
The one who adopts utmost humility in everyday life;
Take him as the loftiest, greatest and distinct among all.
The one who immerses himself in the dust of the feet of the true saints;
He is worshipped in this world, and glorified in the Kingdom of God.
The one who removes evil from his mind;
And abjures the concept of caste and creed, and takes the whole humanity as one.
The one who is indifferent to pleasure and pain is a really wise person;
Avtar says, I adore him, who submits unto the will of God.
There is no religion greater than to perceive God present everywhere;
There is no better deed than to serve the true saints.
Whoever serves the true saints with all his physical, mental and material assets;
In reality he is removing the dirt and dross of his mind.
There is no utterance more sacred than the sermon of the True Master;
There is no sacrifice greater than surrendering one's mind unto the True Master.
Exalted is the place, and the spot, where one sits and does not forget God;
Greatest is the devotion that is accepted and acknowledged by the True master.
The person who preaches all this through his practical life;
Avtar says, I adore him hundred times.
God is the Supreme Lord of the universe, who looks after one and all;
A person who is devoid of love for Him, is certainly bereft of thought and wisdom.
God, from whose service one attains miraculous powers;
In the pursuit of material wealth, man is ignoring Him.
God, who dwells in every being, and is present all the time everywhere;
The whole mankind has forgotten as to who is their Creator.
God, with whose grace we get respect all over the world;
God, who shall be with us at the end, and come to our rescue in His own Kingdom;
Having forgotten Him, all the people are wasting their time;
Avtar says, if the True Master is kind and gracious, only then one remembers God.
Man, though in human frame, behave like beasts;
He is ever engrossed in duping others day and night, like devils.
Outwardly donning snow-white robes, his mind within is full of pollution;
And this duality of character does not remain concealed in spite of all efforts.
He who appears to be a recluse, but inwardly he is full of lust;
How can such people transcend the ocean of materialism with a stone hanging by their
The greedy dog dwells in the mind and it keeps on barking and troubling;
Those who have God's name on their lips, but dagger under the arm are no less than
That person in whose mind God dwells;
Avtar says, truly speaking, he is united with God.
False is the world and false are the kings and their kingdoms;
False are the daughters, sons and tribes and false are all relatives.
False is what you eat and drink, and false is your care-free sleep;
False is the world engaged in falsehood, and false are all its dealings.
False is the gold, false is the silver, and false is the greed and pride of their possession;
False is the material wealth, false is its shadow, and the whole world is false.
False is this breathing vessel which you rely upon;
False is what you deal and dispense, and false is all your store-house.
False are your mansions and palaces, which you are so proud of;
Avtar says, all that you see around is absolutely false.
True is the One, provided you know Him, and true is the divine glimpse of the True
True is to sing the glory of the One, the Supreme Donor, and true is to have a
discourse on Him.
True is the creation of God, the Formless God Himself is true;
True is the perfect True Master, and true is to love him.
True is the company of saints (disciples) of the True Master, and true is this assembly
(congregation) of the True Master;
True is the Supreme Lord, and true is the One Creator of the universe.
True Master is the true temple, and true is reverence to and worship of the True
Truly speaking, true is the dealing of the one who has realized the Truth.
The one who realizes the True One, nothing is untrue for him;
Avtar says, Truth cannot be attained without the True Master.
Even if one takes frugal, simple and tasteless food;
All that he eats is pure, if he contemplates on the Divine Name (God).
Even if one has torn clothes to wear, and no shoes to put on;
All that he eats and wears is fine, if he sings the praise of God.
Even if one has lot of wealth and riches, and can afford luxurious meals;
Cursed is his life, if he does not remember God.
Even if one eats, drinks and wears well, and his wealth gets multiplied;
Cursed is his food and drink, if he is bereft of the Divine Name.
The one who after perceiving God sings His praise even for a moment;
Avtar says, listen O' saints, such a person is not subjected to the clutches of death.
O' man, you don't weigh and measure your words, before you speak and you never
utter sweet words;
You are wasting your life as precious as diamonds, for the sake of cowries.
God is right in front of you, but you do not open your eyes;
False is what you do, and false is all that you dispense.
Why do you raise an accusing finger towards others, when you are not conscious of
your own faults?
You cannot realize God by mere repetition of God's name-Ram, Ram, unless you have
love for Him in your heart.
You shall find the noose of death around your neck, if you have not realized the
Formless God;
How would you find a place in your real abode, unless you have known it?
From where shall you read out, when the book of account (of deeds) is blank?
Avtar says, listen O' man, what you are carrying on your head is the bundle of
Where is it written that you should renounce the world and sit by the side of sacred
Where is it written that you should leave your family life and undergo suffering?
Where is it written that you should leave your children and change your countenance?
Where is it written that you should become a recluse and move from pillar to post?
Where is it written that you should leave aside the material wealth and donate money
Where is it written that you should undergo rigorous penance and sacrifice your all?
The holy scriptures-Vedas and Quern, have ordained one thing that you should bow
your head at the feet of the True Master.
Avtar says, listen O' saints, you may realize God in a trice by doing so.
The greatest sin lies, O' men, in not perceiving God;
The greatest sin lies, O' men, in not singing the glory of God.
The greatest sin lies, O' men, in not shedding one's ego and pride;
The greatest sin lies, O' men, in not bowing one's head (at the feet of the True Master).
The greatest sin lies, O' men, in not focussing the mind on the feet of the True Master;
The greatest sin lies, O' men, in not realizing the Tenth Dimension.
The greatest sin lies, O' men, in not correcting the erring mind;
The greatest sin lies, O' men, in not contemplating on the perfect True Master.
The greatest virtue lies in redeeming human beings;
Avtar says, he is the greatest donor, who distributes the treasure of the Divine Name.
Sons, daughters, and all relatives are just like a fleeting shadow;
Riches, wealth, palaces and mansions are all a false illusion.
All those who have come into this world shall depart on the appointed day;
Even the life-breaths which you consider as your own, belong to someone else (God).
The one who, after seeing God once, has sung His glory even for a moment;
Avtar says, such a person does not undergo the cycle of birth and death.
O' man, fascinated by beauty and youth, and stuck up into the mire of materialism;
Why do you feel proud on seeing your magnificent palaces and mansions?
O' man, puffed by false vanity, don't forget your real self;
Engrossed in the five vices, you have forgotten God.
The Formless God, your sustainer, is just by your side, but you shall know this divine
secret only from the True Master;
Avtar says, listen O' saints, you shall attain salvation.
Even if we try to sing the praise of God through several tongues put together;
Even if we try to get scribed the glory of God from all the poets of the world;
Even if the scholars are asked to speak on the glory of God;
And dissolve the ink into the ocean and thus convert it into an inkpot (to scribe the
glory of God).
Even so it shall not be possible to sing the praise of God;
Avtar says, it is impossible to measure the Dimensionless.
The devotee obeys every command of the True Master but the wayward declines;
The devotee serves the True Master, but the wayward argues unnecessarily.
The devotee loves the True Master from the core of his heart, but the wayward only
pretends to do so;
The devotee is the same from within and without, but the wayward is jealous from
The bargain of devotees is instantly rewarding but the wayward' dealings are false;
The devotees have firm faith in God, but the wayward does not believe.
The devotee perceives God everywhere, but the wayward cannot see Him;
Pride does not come near the devotee, but the wayward is full of ego.
Though both are the same to look at, they are inwardly different;
Avtar says, the devotees are engaged in serving others selflessly, but the wayward
only beat about the bush.
O' man why are you slumbering carelessly with your eyes closed?
Wake up and accomplish the task for which you came in this world.
O' ignorant man, you will not get this opportunity again, and you shall repent;
O' man, you are only a guest for a short span of time in this world.
This precious human life which you have got is not easy to get;
After coming out of the mother's womb, you have forgotten God.
You are ignorant about yourself, you should know from the True Master;
O' imprudent man, who is your Lord Master to whom your body and soul belong?
You should ponder at least as to what face you shall show in the Kingdom of God;
Avtar says, O' man, the game is in your own hands, you may win or lose it.
One cannot love God on his own, this happens only if God wills it;
An extinguished lamp (of mind) can be lit if the True Master does light it.
None has ever crossed the Ocean of materialism without the True Master so far;
A woman may adorn herself with costumes and ornaments, but these are meaningless
without her husband.
He is the perfect True Master, who knows God - the eternal Truth;
The Master, who asks his disciples only to enchant a word, is imperfect.
What is the use of such a Master who can't remove one's doubts and delusions?
What type of enlightened saint is he, who does not feel the presence of God with him?
O' man, the True Master reveals God in a moment;
Avtar says, I adore the True Master again and again.
The iron on touching the alchemy gets instantly converted into gold;
The plant which grows near the Sandal tree, becomes as good as Sandal.
A weeping person starts laughing, when he goes near a smiling person;
An ailing person gets sound sleep on being given the correct medicine.
Just as a soap washes off all the dirt of the dirty garment;
Just as the sullage water, as it immerses with the water of the River Ganga, also
becomes as pure as Ganga;
Similarly, man may be a notorious sinner, if he seeks shelter of the True Master;
Avtar says, he attains salvation in one moment.
O' man, you became a worm and went on creeping several times in the past;
Imagine, what was your plight when you became a snake and a scorpion.
You also became a horse, a donkey, a dog as also a buffalo and a cow;
You became a bat, an owl, a stork and a crow several times.
Stuck up in filth, you shrieked in agony, forgetting the name of God;
Avtar says, at least now you should exalt yourself by uniting with God.
O' man, you try to imitate the swan, but secretly swallow the frogs;
You claim yourself to be the black bee (enamoured of flowers) but visit the filthy
By simply wearing the cloak of a lion, you call yourself as lion;
But as you bray, you are dubbed as a donkey.
Seek the shelter of the True Master, if you wish to become really something;
Avtar says, you can attain lofty position only if you erase your identity altogether.
O' man, none is your friend and companion in this world;
None shall go with you, and your soul shall go alone.
The mother shall stay back bemoaning, while the brothers shall remove your corpse;
Your wife shall beat her thighs and cry, but all her bewailing shall be futile.
O' man, your own actions shall go with you as you depart from this world;
Avtar says, except God, the entire net-work of the world is false.
True is the entity of the Formless God, all other entities are untrue;
Only one thing shall get counted and accepted, everything else is false.
The great Giver shall stay forever, while all material objects that He has given shall
Cursed are the wonders without the true name of God.
The woman who stays with her husband enjoys the rainy season;
But the lady, whose husband is far away, finds the nights dark and dreadful.
All his bounties are meaningless, if the owner of the house is not there;
Avtar says, one can enjoy the union with God through the blessings of the True
One may hang upside down, sit in trance, may go to places of pilgrimage and have a
holy dip;
One may squander whatever he has or give gold and silver as donation.
One may perform all kinds of worship, recite holy scriptures, day and night and waste
entire life in reading (religions books);
One may keep fasts, observe abstinence and austerity and thus add on to his ego.
One may accomplish all miraculous powers and he may live on air (without food);
One may become an eloquent speaker as also a great thinker.
One may leave his hearth and home and start living in forests;
One may remain engrossed in rites and rituals and thus decay his body.
Despite all these acts, one cannot know the all - pervading God;
Avtar says, one cannot be redeemed without meeting the True Master.
O' great God, none has been able to measure the extent of Thy vast creation;
The holy scriptures - the Gita, the Adi Granth and the Vedas, all have sung Thy glory.
Matchless and immortal donor, Thou art above all attributes;
To the world Thou art hidden but manifest to devout.
It is under Thy command that the materialistic world allures human beings;
And the fascination of beauty and youth keeps them confused.
Men of intellect could not illustrate Thy greatness even a little bit;
Thou alone knoweth Thy greatness, Thou art dimensionless.
The wayward do not know Thee, but the devotees have recognized Thee;
Avtar says, they are the ones, O' God, who have attained Thy knowledge from the
True Master.
The greatness of God is that nothing weighs equal to His Name;
God, who is limitless, fathomless and imperceptible and who is the creator of the
His Name (God) dwells in every particle, and there is nothing without Him;
Visible and invisible world is assimilated in His Name.
The glow in the sun, the moon and the stars is that of His Name only;
The cycle of birth and death in this world is also the handiwork of His Name.
He Himself is hidden as well as manifest, and the world is kept engaged in one activity
or the other;
The world is entangled in the net of materialism, so colorful and so fascinating.
Exalted, pure and most fortunate is the one O' God, who has recognized Thee;
Avtar says, bereft of the Divine Name, this world is in utter darkness.
May it rain and block the way, may there be the gale and storm;
May it be a dreadful night, may there be the pits and ditches and may the feet stumble;
May the clouds thunder and frighten the living creatures;
May the clothes get drenched at every step and may the rainwater show its fury.
The disciples, however, cross even mountains in order to meet their True Master;
They do not care for the gale and heavy rain, they just proceed forward.
They enter the True Master's street prepared to sacrifice even their life;
Avtar says, the dear ones of the True Master fight even against death.
Listen O' man, when you were born, you had no religion, no faith;
Listen O' man, when you were born, you were not carrying any paraphernalia to
perform rites and rituals;
Listen O' man, when you were born, you were not wearing the sacred thread or the
Listen O' man, when you were born, you had no dignity of your own;
Listen O' man, when you were born, you knew nothing about yourself;
Listen O' man, when you were born, you had no lust for worldly wealth;
Listen O' man, when you were born, your heart was free from pride;
Listen O' man, when you were born, you were not jealous towards anyone.
You have put the noose around your neck yourself and you are carrying headland of
rites and rituals;
Avtar says, all that is visible is a mere delusion.
If a person becomes totally helpless in this world;
If the boat of his life is sinking and finding no shore;
If all his kinsmen shun him and he has no place to go;
If he finds pain and misery wherever he goes, and the poor man wanders in
If his body suffers from numerous diseases and he moves from door to door
If he fails to earn money, and gets no support whatsoever;
If all material possessions are displeased with him and he suffers from pain and
If he finds no solace, and he is deprived of everything in life.
Let such a person approach the True Master, and he will own him;
Avtar says, he realizes God (from the True Master) and stands rescued from all the
Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, all are human beings alike;
The Gita, the Vedas, the Adi Granth and Quern, all testify one and the same God.
There is only One Supreme Lord common to all, and He is the same one, God;
All are beggars of the same divine door, pray to the same one, and there is only one
Donor, only one Lord-King.
There is only one creator of the entire universe and there is only one who makes all
human beings dance like puppets;
He instills the life in mortals of clay and then makes them act the numerous ways.
In order to give light to the world, He makes the moon and the sun shine;
He himself is the sole Supreme Sovereign who commands the universe.
If man is able to know as to who is the one whose game it is and who is directing it;
Avtar says, he shall enjoy every moment of his life.
Even a thatched hut in which a devotee lives, is auspicious;
Every word of a devotee is auspicious, he says what he has been told by the True
Every place, every spot where the devotee sits is blissful;
Every act of a devotee is pious and so are his dealings.
A wayward lives in palaces, and has lust for worldly wealth;
The one who does not remember the Formless God, only desecrates the earth.
Worldly riches and wealth do not provide peace of mind, and the whole life goes
Everything belonging to the wayward is false, and so are his songs and lyrics.
Every (small) act done by a devotee is pious, as against (big) enterprises of the
Avtar says, divine dealing is better than any trade or business of this world.
One may be any prosperous, any rich;
One may be king of the world and give away lakhs in charity.
One may have people standing at his door abetting all the time, and his grandeur may
be matchless;
One may be kind and generous to the poor and the orphans.
One may make lot of donations taking it as a virtue, and may be compassionate to all;
One may give whatever the others a beg and may be known as a great donor.
All this worldly name and fame is for the world, it will be of no avail hereafter;
Avtar says, nothing except God accompanies man.
Those who got swayed by the glamour of material wealth;
They perished like a star that breaks away from the sky.
The sons, daughters and the wife for whom the man commits sins;
Whom he feeds committing several acts of deception day and night.
Man amasses wealth in lakhs and crosses, and feels horrified while losing it;
All this shall stay behind, and nothing comes to his rescue.
All this wealth is bound to be left behind, only the Divine name (God) shall
accompany you;
The Divine Name is to be bestowed by the true saints, which shall save you from the
clutches of death.
Leaving aside all false pursuits, you should realize your true self;
Avtar says, you must know from the True Master the abode, from where you came and
where you shall eventually go.
The one who turns his face from the True Master, finds no place here and hereafter;
The one who turns his face from the True Master, finds no honor, no respect.
The one who turns his face from the True Master, is subjected to birth and death again
and again;
The one who turns his face from the True Master, keeps on suffering all the time.
The one who turns his face from the True Master, remains always engrossed in the
world of materialism;
The one who turns his face from the True Master, behaves like a devil.
There is no greater sin O' men, than to turn one's face from the True Master;
If we remain under protection of the True Master, there shall be no disease, no sorrow
and no suffering.
The one who turns his face from the True Master is not forgiven even after undergoing
the cycle of birth and death;
Avtar says, the account of one's deeds does not get cleared without seeking shelter of
the True Master.
To a devotee gold and dust are just one and the same;
To a devotee both the rich and the poor are just one and the same.
To a devotee weal and woos, fame and defame are just one and the same;
To a devotee the pleasure and pain are just one and the same.
To a devotee all the people of the world are just one and the same;
To a devotee king and the guard are just one and the same.
A devotee always thinks of the (sacred) feet of the True Master;
A devotee says at every step that everything belongs to God.
The person, who meets such a devotee gets redeemed;
Avtar says, I dedicate and sacrifice my life and belongings unto such devotees.
Those who differ in what they preach and what they do in practical life;
Their hearts are full of animosity, hatred and jealousy, while outwardly they pretend to
show love (for God).
The omniscient God, knows all the hidden secrets;
How can one conceal his misdeeds from Him?
One who does not practice what he preaches to others;
He just cannot get rid of ego, and the Angels of Death do not spare him.
The one in whose mind always dwells this omniscient Formless God;
The whole world can get salvation by acting on his noble words.
Whosoever applies the dust of the feet of the True Saint on his forehead;
Avtar says, such a person gets everything in this world.
God, the Donor, who has bestowed upon you the beauty and the youth;
O' man, you should never forget Him even for a moment, His entity is matchless;
The True Master who reveals God unto you, and does not ask for any account of your
You must take him as God and let there be no delusion about it.
You are the highest among all creatures, but God is your Master too;
Even then, O' man, your life is bereft of His thought.
In fact, O' man, you are afflicted with the disease of ego, you are to be blamed;
Only you have turned your face from God, God is not away from you
If you shed the cleverness of your mind, and seek shelter of the True Saint;
Avtar says, you shall be liberated in a trice from being born again and again.
Cursed are those who prefer to be non-believers;
Unless the Truth dwells their mind, how can they become pure?
Cursed is the life which does not attain this divine gift;
The crop that does not receive the rainfall, gets decayed.
Cursed is the wealth of a miser that cannot be put to any use;
Cursed is the beautiful body, that fails to please the beloved one.
Cursed are those who are impure from within and without;
Those who fail to seek shelter of the True Master are the unfortunate ones.
Fortunate are those who have the urge to perceive God;
Avtar says, those who have found the True Master are the ones who were brought up
in the lap of divine benevolence.
If you could really understand the Formless God, He is present everywhere;
The whole creation belongs to Him, and He is the Creator of all.
No weapon can cut Him and He cannot be evaporated by air;
Water cannot dissolve Him and He cannot be destroyed by fire.
O' man, you are also part and parcel of God; you are the ray of this very divine light;
Though lost amongst cowries, you are indeed a real pearl.
This (Formless God) is your true Abode; and this is your splendid form;
None can know God without the grace of the perfect True Master.
O' man, repose full faith in God and focus your mind on Him;
Avtar says, after perceiving God from the True Master you should keep on saying
Tuhi Tuhi (Thou Formless One).
When man shall depart from this world at last;
When The king of Death shall snap all his relations with the world;
At that appointed time, O' man, the riches, youth and beauty shall not go with you;
Except the treasure of Divine Name nothing, else shall be of any avail to you.
Neither your intelligence nor wisdom shall be of any avail;
You are simply building castles on sand and pinning false hopes.
The assets which you are depending upon are actually not your own;
Rites, rituals, and (so called) noble acts shall not be of any use at last.
Whosoever dives deep into the reservoir of Divine Name shall attain salvation;
Avtar says, listen O' saints, such a person shall depart from the world without a blot on
his face.
Why do you hate others on account of their diet and dress?
Why do you feel jealous on seeing others prosper?
Castes and communities are mere mud, why do you soil your dress (body) with this
Why do you leave hearth and home and run to the forests, why are you scared of the
Why do you hate others on seeing their good or bad conduct?
Why do you spoil your life by indulging in bad deeds?
Why do you leave the true fire and sit by the side of the false one?
Why are you sitting on the boat of rites and rituals, and getting drowned?
Leave aside your own wisdom, seek the shelter of the feet of the True Master, this is
the best counsel in your interest;
Avtar says, it is no use churning the water, and this is the conclusion drawn by all the
The one who gets Thy favor O' God, does always rejoice;
The one who gets Thy favor O' God, knows no defeat.
The one who gets Thy favor O' God, is worshipped by the people of the world;
The one who gets Thy favor O' God, crosses the ocean of materialism.
The one who gets Thy favor O' God, all his tasks are accomplished;
The one who gets Thy favor O' God, is endowed with the treasure of divine name.
The one who gets Thy favor O' God, is applauded by one and all;
The one who gets Thy favor O' God, cannot be killed by anyone.
The whole world is under Thy command, Thou art at the beck and call of the devotees;
Avtar says, Thou alone knoweth Thy acts, I remain humblest of the humble.
Many think that holding the breath and sitting in trance is devotion;
Many think that leaving hearth and home and going to the forests is devotion.
Many think that bathing at the sixty eight places of pilgrimage is devotion;
Many think that beating the drum and ringing the cymbals is devotion.
Many think that singing hymns in melodious tunes is devotion;
Avtar says, listen O' saints, the true devotion lies in the realization of God.
Many take the sun as God and many assume the sky as God;
Many worship water as God and many say the man is God.
Many go to the burial places and bow their heads;
Many offer water in worship of trees like Jandi (Acacia) and Pipal (the holy big tree).
God is manifest everywhere as scribed in the Vedas and holy books;
Avtar says, God has no physical features, form, color and complexion.
It is a strange phenomenon that men fight against men;
Man is inimical to man and they act as wild animals.
We find feuds in the name of religion, between those who wear the sacred thread and
those who wear the sword;
There are strange disputes over languages and the scripts.
All the people of the world are the creation of One God, you should live in perfect
harmony like sugar and rice in the dessert;
Avtar says, behold One God and behave like brothers to each other.
People think that it is not easy to realize God in this Age of Iron;
That one cannot meet God unless one undergoes rigorous penance;
That one has to leave one's hearth and home and go to the forests in quest of God;
That one has to give up attachment with the world of materialism in order to realize
The one who has pleased the True Master, transcends the ocean of materialism;
Avtar says, I have known the divine abode just in a moment, while living at home.
I have met the perfect True Master and the cycle of birth and death has ended;
I have attained the (blissful) state of detachment, and there is no need to undergo
rigorous penance.
The soul queen has met the Supreme Lord, and the pangs of separation have ended;
The True Master has taught me the lesson of one God and there is no need to read or
get recited any more.
The soul has found the Super Soul, and all the pains have vanished, the sorrows have
Avtar says, with the grace of the True Master, I have met God in a moment.
Some think that bathing in cold water early in the morning is the virtue;
Some think that bathing repeatedly at places of pilgrimage is a virtue.
Some think that feeding grain to sparrows early in the morning is a virtue;
Some think that offering of mustard oil to the Saturn is a virtue.
Some think that sitting in silent meditation with eyes closed is a virtue;
Avtar says, all else is false, only knowing and remembering the Formless God is a
There cannot be any light in darkness unless the lamp is lit;
The dirty clothes cannot be washed without soap.
One cannot become literate without a teacher;
One cannot reach the destination without a guide showing the way.
Just as a bath is necessary to cleanse the body;
Avtar says, likewise, seeking divine knowledge from the True Master is essential to
attain God.
Some think that eating meat, fish, eggs and chicken constitutes a sin;
Some think that bowing at the feet of others constitutes a sin.
Some think that taking any food before taking bath constitutes a sin;
Some say that uttering the name of God with defiled mouth (after eating something)
constitutes a sin.
People are caught in wrangles over sins, with-out knowing what a virtue or a sin is;
Avtar says, the greatest sin lies in not realizing the Formless God.
Everything in the world is false; only realization of the True One God, is true;
Bowing unto the one who has shown the path of Truth, is true.
Those who are eternally united with the True One, going to their door is true;
The one who has realized the Truth, whatever he eats or wears is true.
The world of materialism is false, the Supreme Lord is true; and true is the one who
loves the Truth;
Avtar says, it is the tradition of the Kingdom of God that such a person shall not be
born again.
All that is visible is false, and all that is eaten, drunk or worn is false;
The attachment with one's sons, daughters, family and the tribe is false.
The palaces and mansions are false, and one's coming to and going from this world is
All rites and rituals are false, the reading (of holy scriptures) and getting (them) recited
is false.
Listen O' men, the one who is engrossed in this false world is a worldly person;
Avtar says, the one who has known the Truth is a man of the Formless God, a
Look , the people of the world worship the graves and the funeral places;
Though born as human beings, the best creatures, they worship the animals.
Closing the tiny book of actual divine knowledge, they worship voluminous
scriptures--the Vades and Puranas;
The knowledge of God has always been attained by human beings from human beings.
One need not renounce the family life and go to the forests;
Avtar says, one can realize the omnipresent God with the grace of the perfect True
Listen O' man, you may go on performing religious practices, but all this shall be of no
You may make millions of offerings in the name of deities, and squander any amount
of wealth.
Nothing shall be achieved even if you keep on bowing before the stones;
It is of no use at all, if you keep on ringing the bells.
One cannot escape the cycles of birth and death by all these means;
Avtar says, all these methods are of no avail, if you have not understood the Truth.
A Muslim cannot recite Kalma in a temple;
A Hindu cannot sing the glory of Lord Rama in a Sikh shrine.
A Sikh cannot recite the name of Waheguru in a mosque;
A Christian cannot sing the glory of God in a Hindu temple.
True Master ends all wrangles of caste and community;
Avtar says, he makes people of all castes sit together at one place.
Who does cause the sun, the moon and the stars appear in the sky every day;
Who does keep on changing the direction of the winds in every season?
Who does send the beautiful gifts to the man sitting at home?
Who does produce the milk, butter, sugar and honey?
O' man, have you ever thought as to who is the great donor of all these bounties;
Avtar says, have you seen the Formless God who dwells so close to you?
While washing the clothes, the washer man does not bother about the extent of dirt
they contain;
Likewise, while forgiving the sinners, the great forgiver also does not feel tired.
The perfect True Master does not look at the faults and failings of anyone;
The True Master knows no caste--inferior or superior, high or low.
The True Master bestows the divine gift upon who-so-ever bows his head (at his feet);
Avtar says, such a person realizes the all--pervading God in one moment.
The sun does not discriminate between the crops belonging to one farmer and the
The moon gives its light to all, regardless of appearance, good or bad.
The water quenches the thirst of all; it does not go by high or low;
The air too does not differentiate among people as good or bad, rich or poor.
Similarly, the perfect True Master too embraces one and all in this world;
Avtar says, he provides the divine protection to everyone, whatever the quality.
I narrate my own story: I bathed at several places of pilgrimage;
I heard and recited the holy scriptures with loud voice.
I visited a number of religious places and made generous donations;
Nobody could, however, reveal God to me, although I rubbed my forehead before so
As I met the perfect True Master, he made me understand only one thing;
Avtar says, and that one thing (the Divine Knowledge) dwells in my heart.
Some think that the use of betel, cigarette or beedi is a sin;
Some think that to touch a piece of meat is a sin.
Some think that to take or offer the half-eaten portion of the meal is a sin;
Some think that to bow one's head before a human being is a sin;
The whole world is engrossed in the wrangles over what is virtue and what is sin;
Avtar says, only such soul is saved as has recognized God.
With one piece of gold, we may get several ornaments made;
We may get manufactured rings, necklaces, ear rings, as we like.
In case we get the rings and necklaces etc. melted;
It will again become gold as before, and we may give it any number of forms (once
Likewise, man has put up countenance of a Hindu, a Muslim, a Sikh and so on.
Avtar says, essentially a human being, he has created unnecessary wrangles.
Even if you read the holy Gita, it brings home this very truth;
It enjoins upon everyone to know the all-pervading God.
If you go through the Guru Granth, it also testifies the same truth;
It shows the same path, that is, one should know the Immanent and Transcendent One,
from the True Master.
Even the holy Quern and Bible seek to tell the people that only God is the eternal
Avtar says, while each fool may have his own different opinion, hundreds of the wise
repeat the same view.
God dwells with all, what for should one go to the forests?
God dwells nearer than the jugular vein, what for should one shout?
God can be realized in normal state of life, what for should one undergo the rigors of
rites and rituals?
The simple process is to uproot (detach) one's mind from that side (matter) and to
Trans-plant (attach) the same this side (God), what for should one perform religious
The holy scriptures-Vedas and Shastras, also testify that God can be realized by
bowing at the feet of the True Master;
Avtar says, on seeing the Formless God, the withering heart starts blossoming.
I proclaim that I have realized God, but people do not believe this;
I narrate my own story and there is no delusion about it.
While living, I proclaim that I have attained salvation;
And that I have removed from my neck the shackles of births and deaths.
I do solemnly declare that hereafter I shall not take birth and then die;
Avtar says, my soul is not to be scared of the King of Death.
There is one and only one Supreme Lord of the world, and my mind has been made to
understand this one truth;
All disputes and wrangles disappeared when I attained the knowledge of the One from
the True Master.
The True Master taught me the lesson of One, to worship One, to remember One;
Babaji, the True Master, showed only one path, and revealed the One who is eternal
and shall stay forever.
Besides the One, whatever is visible shall remain here in this world;
Avtar says, the queen soul has to embark the divine boat and be with this One
Supreme Lord.
Even if the body of a person may be suffering from disease and the mind from lust,
and his money may have been earned by sinful means;
He may be untrustworthy and he may be a butcher in his actions;
He may be crazy in pursuit of material objects and torment himself for the same, and
may not rest even for a while;
He may be in the company of quarrelsome people, and he may bring bad name to his
Avtar says, once the True Master confers his blessings on such a person condemned
during one life after the other;
He shall be worshipped in every home, after he comes to this divine door.
One may keep this body clean, his mind may be pure and he may have earned his
money by the sweat of brow;
He may be gentle at heart, and trust-worthy, and be humble and polite in his actions.
He may be a man of faith with virtues of contentment and gratitude, and he may be
ever engaged in prayer and devotion;
He may be in the company of talented people, and he may bring name and fame to the
All these qualities are mere ciphers unless the digit 'One' of divine knowledge
precedes them;
Avtar says, the aim of life cannot be accomplished without the True Master.
It is difficult to believe that a human being may sing the glory of all Thy grace;
It is difficult to believe that a human being may challenge the effectiveness of Thy
It is difficult to believe that a human being may be happy even though not believing in
Thy existence;
It is difficult to believe that a human being may be forgiven without the True Master.
One spark is sufficient to burn the whole heap of dry grass;
Avtar says, one single drop of divine benevolence is adequate to wash away all the
One may not possess any virtues and may have countless vices;
One may be characterless and may have blots of all kinds of bad conduct;
One may be extremely poor, and may be head and shoulders in debt;
One may be deserted by all his kith and kin and all the people may have become
hostile to him.
Even so, such a person shall be respected everywhere, if he is accepted (and blessed)
by the True Master;
Avtar says, with the benevolence of the True Master, even a dead person gets new life.
O' man, you wish to get exalted, by invoking self-praise;
You wish to become pure, by nurturing your-self in criticism, hatred and animosity;
You wish to cleanse your sinful heart by repeated visits to places of pilgrimage like
Makka and Kashi;
You wish to get peace by performing acts of charity day and night.
Rites and rituals shall be of no avail, and you shall have to seek the shelter of the True
Avtar says, you shall have to bow your head at the divine door of the True Master.
O' man, though in quest of happiness, you are treading the path leading to suffering;
You wish to go to the east, but are proceeding towards the west.
O' dear fellow, you wish to cover the distance in this way (by moving in the opposite
And, you wish to suffer on unknown paths.
O' man, don't ruin your life, you won't reach your divine destination without the True
Avtar says, seek the shelter of the True Master and make your life happy and
The True Master, if he so desires, can get done anything from any person;
He can make a cripple cross a mountain, and a dumb sing a song.
One's destiny can be changed if the True Master is kind and gracious;
All dexterous designs of one's own mind do vanish one after the other.
By seeking the shelter of the True master, one gets rid of the shackles of the angels of
Avtar says, even the angel of death would stop in front of the disciple of the True
Whatever is preached by the True Saint, must be listened and communicated to others;
One must make use of the feet to go to the saints' congregation, and hands to serve
One must make use of the tongue to sing the praise of God and the eyes to have the
divine glimpse;
One must always bow his head with love and devotion at the feet of the True master.
The disciple who does all this shall attain all the three forms of bliss (divine, physical
and material);
Avtar says, the True Master shall be pleased, and he (the disciple) shall be glorified by
the entire world.
Caught in the cobweb of materialism, man gets bewildered all the time;
The people of the world are ever engrossed in hatred, jealousy and criticism of others.
This world is false, false are the material objects, and the whole universe is false;
The only way to transcend it, is to bow at the sacred feet of the True Saint.
O' men, the True Master is the biggest solace, he is the protector of man;
Avtar says, only such a man is great who is ever enamoured of the True Master.
In order to accomplish the aim of human life, some perform acts of charity, donate
money and bathe at places of pilgrimage;
Some feel proud of reciting the holy scriptures, some meditation and others of their
service to the country.
Some think that service of humanity is the noblest service;
Some think that doing good deeds is good, and one need not talk of anything evil.
But, none knows what is good and what is bad;
Avtar says, unwise is the person who does not care to understand this secret.
Greater than (the pledging of) body, mind and wealth is the service;
Which is rendered selflessly, without any motive and has the approval of the True
As the True Master ordains according to the time, place and the situation;
The disciple obeys the command, and goes on acting accordingly.
Such a disciple is glorified in this world and occupies a place of honor in the Kingdom
of God;
Avtar says, such a disciple is protected by God all the time.
Those who remember God's Name are the real rich ones in this world;
They declare the wealth and treasure of this world to be mere dust at last.
They take this world as perishable and they love only the Eternal One;
They are true ones with nothing to worry, and they always sing the glory of God.
Those who understand the Truth from the True Master and snap their ties with
ephemeral world;
Avtar says, those who remain united with God, are the true disciples.
The perfect disciples are those who perceive the One in all, and love one and all;
They realize that God dwells in every human being, so they respect everyone.
They always sing the praise of this One and behold Him everywhere;
They unite others also with this One and make them transcend the ocean of
They remember this One by every breath and do not contemplate any other one;
Avtar says, the perfect disciples never forget the One, God.
Obsessed by superstition, the people of the world are putting in all their energy in
reading (the Holy Scriptures);
They do not try to understand what is scribed therein and are straining their brain in
The true scriptures curse such people and make it clear that mere reading shall not do;
And that divine knowledge cannot be attained without the True Master, to attempt
otherwise is just wasting human life.
None on earth can be emancipated without the True Master;
Avtar says, divine knowledge can never be attained without the True Master.
Without divine knowledge, recitation of holy scriptures and the worship (of God)
amount to groping in the dark;
Muttering the prayer, undergoing penance, observing fasts and performing rituals, all
amount to self-rotting.
Making offerings in the name of deities, taking holy baths, performing religious
ceremonies, visiting places of pilgrimage;
All these religious practices lead to ruining oneself, aggravating one's disease of ego.
The remedy of the disease of ego is not known to anyone except the True Master;
Avtar says, man cannot be happy without the blessings of the True Master.
O' man, you should know the Divine Light of which you are the spark;
You should recognize the Supreme Power-the great Donor whose bounties you are
O' man, whatever you do hiding yourself from the Lord;
All this is cursed and you will have to pay for it.
If you do not seek the shelter of the True Saint, you will loiter from door to door;
Avtar says, without divine knowledge, you shall undergo the cycle of birth and death.
No matter if a person is lowly, uncultured, a sinner and a murderer;
No matter if a person is a back biter, greedy, ill-tempered, a gambler and a wretch;
No matter if a person is a thief, drunkard, robber and a debauch;
In case such a person falls at the feet of the True Saint as knows the Omniscient.
He gets rid of all these vices, he is blessed by the divine grace;
Avtar says, all the sins get washed away with the grace of the True Master.
O' True Master, as one comes to your divine door, he forgets the materialistic world;
He loses his own entity, and sheds all ego and pride.
Only you are seen all around, nothing else catches the eye;
He gets absorbed in this spiritual world in such a way that he forgets about himself.
O' True Master, if we stay away from your divine door, it means we live in thorns;
Avtar says, our world is full of pain and misery, and man gets dejected at every step.
The walls cannot be erected on the foundation of sand;
Likewise, the edifice of Truth cannot be built unless the foundations are true.
God cannot be pleased by any clever designs;
A boat loaded with stones cannot be taken to the other shore.
One is accepted in the realm of this God only if he is true from within and without;
Avtar says, man gets redeemed only if he is innocent.
In this world of pains, even smiles are soiled with tears;
Man today pins his hopes on dreams and illusions.
Man is crazy for hollow praise and false dignity;
He is ever keen to defame others and win fame for himself, and this hunger gives rise
to the flames of envy.
The pleasures of the world of love are indeed to be found nowhere else than at your
divine door (O' True Master);
Avtar says, happiness lodges itself where you reside, and nowhere else.
This is the world of discords, conflicts and riots;
This world is full of hatred and animosity, where people are shrieking and crying.
Just as bamboo’s rub against each other and catch fire;
Likewise, people in this world also fight and kill one another.
If they know the common Father (the Creator of all), there will be no differences;
Avtar says, this is not resolved by anyone except the True Master.
The True Master provides succor and support to the one who is helpless;
The True Master provides sustenance to the one who finds no sustenance anywhere.
None except the True Master accepts a sinner;
The True Master confers countless bounties in lieu of ego.
Avtar says, unless man is blessed with the divine knowledge,
he does not understand the purpose of human life.
One may live without food in forests and rot his body;
One may torture himself out of his own arrogance and adamancy.
Praying five times a day and undergoing the rigors of rites and rituals only corrode the
Men who worship photographs turn imprudent and ignorant.
The purpose of being born man was to know God, the Creator;
Avtar says, even to worship God without knowing Him may prove counter productive.
An animal is better than man, if man does not possess human qualities;
Birds are nobler than human beings as they do not make an uproar.
Even the skin of animals is useful to us in many ways;
Their very nature makes us learn several things.
The only difference between human beings and the animals is that men could know
Avtar says, only human being has the privilege to recognize God.
Allah, Ishwar, God and Waheguru, are all different names of the same Almighty;
Rama, Mohammed, Nanak and Jesus-each name is worthy of love and respect.
Nirankar-the Formless One, is the name of God in present times, and someone does
call Him by this name also;
But mere utterance of the names of God without knowing Him is of no avail.
One should first realize God and then love Him, and may keep on repeating the Name
Avtar says, repetition of God's Name without perceiving Him amounts to bewailing.
O' man for whom do you commit sins, none is your true companion;
All are there to share the booty, but you alone shall have to account for your misdeeds.
You think that all the material wealth you accumulate sinfully will go with you;
This material wealth is so sinful that it eats its own comrades.
The material wealth proves useful to the one, who pleases the True Master;
Avtar says, the True Master, reveals the Supreme Lord of this material wealth, i.e.
O' man, allured by material endowments, you have forgotten God, the true Donor;
Nothing shall go with you at last and the vast material world shall stay behind.
The relatives, the friend and the companions are all selfish;
You may examine them in case of adversity, you will see how they desert you.
The True Saint alone is the selfless companion who stays with you in weal and woe;
Avtar says, except the True Saint, the friendship of all others is based on self-interest.
All the worldly assets are false and nothing shall go with you at last;
O' man, seek the company of the True Saint and know the divine name which is to
enable you to transcend the ocean of materialism.
None except the Divine Name (God) will save you from dying again and again.
The divine knowledge only is to end the cycle of birth and death.
O' man, none has attained the divine knowledge so far without the True Master;
Avtar says, the divine knowledge could not be attained without pleasing the True
One may be the Master of all branches of knowledge, and may teach all the people of
the world;
One may attain the status of a sovereign and command all to obey.
One may be a valiant warrior and have a long life;
One may possess all the wealth of this world and enjoy all comforts of life.
All that he does will be found of no value at last;
Avtar says, he shall undergo the cycle of birth and death unless he has realized God.
In handbill, a grain that moves on its own, gets crushed;
But the grain which stands close to the lever, is saved.
Likewise, every human being reels in this handbill of pleasure and pain;
Caught between the high and low, he is kicked around by every one.
But if such a person seeks refuge at the True Master's holy feet and does not look for
any other place;
Avtar says, such a person does not rot himself in the cycle of birth and death.
O' man, you should not rely upon material wealth and the worldly people;
You should not rely upon your worldly relations and the business dealings.
You should not rely upon worldly wisdom and academic knowledge;
You should not rely upon your family, your sons and daughters, your wealth and
Avtar says, you should rely only upon the One, who dwells in every particle;
You should take refuge of the all-pervading God being revealed by the True Master.
All the friends and companions are selfish, only the True Master is the real
sympathizer in sorrow;
All the worldly relations are false, only the True Master is the true relative.
All the riches and wealth are like fleeting shadows, only the divine donor, the True
Master is steadfast;
All other supports are false, only the True Master is the true savior.
Matchless is the greatness of the one, who worships the True Master;
Avtar says, without the True Master, every thing in this world looks hollow.
The one who has sought the divine protection of the True Master, never suffers from
any want,
He is true and pure from within and without and there is no impurity whatsoever,
The one who understands the divine secret of the True Master, is the king of the whole
Pains and poverty do not come near him, if he is able to recognize the True Master.
The one who remembers the True Master by every tissue of his body and by every
breath he takes;
Avtar says, I supplicate and sacrifice my all unto such a disciple of the True Master.
All the four Vedas glorify this timeless One;
The six Shastras and the Geeta too mention about this vast void,
The glory of this One is enshrined in the Guru Granth and the holy Quern also seeks to
preach the same God.
Even the holy word contained in the Bible relates to none else than (the same) God.
All wise men think alike that none knows the divine secret;
Avtar says, (they all declare that) none can attain divine knowledge without the True
Man gets more and more entangled as he goes on performing rites and rituals;
Like a spider, he himself weaves the cobweb, gets entrapped and loses his life.
Good and bad rituals are two chains only, one made of gold and the other of iron;
Performing rites and rituals without attaining divine knowledge amounts to groping in
the dark.
The noblest act (ritual) is to know God and all other acts are futile;
Avtar says, without God-knowledge, whatever one does, amounts to chumming the
If one says that divine knowledge can be attained by self-effort;
And that God can be pleased by offering prayer five times a day regularly.
And that the destiny can be changed by turning the beads of the rosary;
And that the sleeping fortune can be made to smile by reciting holy scriptures or by
lighting the sacred lamp.
Self-effort is of no avail without pleasing the True Master;
Avtar says, God cannot be realized unless one knocks at the divine door of
benevolence (of the True Master) and seeks to realize God.
To perform rites and rituals without divine knowledge amounts to labor without
knowing the master (it is done for);
As one proceeds in the opposite direction the destination becomes more and more
Mere utterance of the word 'bread' amounts to increasing one's appetite only;
Mere image of the beloved in thoughts, amounts to suffering the pangs of separation.
To show love without having seen the beloved is only a craze;
Avtar says, only the True Master unveils the splendid face (of God).
Some disguise as saints and sermonize people to recite holy scriptures and offer
To pay obeisance (here) and ring bells (there), to visit the places of pilgrimage for a
holy dip;
To renounce family life, to keep awake at night and to live in forests;
To undergo the rigors of rites and rituals, to keep fasts, and to contemplate on the one
they have not seen.
Such persons with worldly tastes are fundamentally mistaken, and they repent on
being subjected to births and deaths;
Avtar says, they are blind escorts and they go to hell.
He is not the True Master, who prescribes rigorous religious practices but does not
reveal God;
Who delivers discourses on discipleship, but does not make one a true disciple;
Who preaches others, but does not practice himself;
Who counsels others, but himself does not go in for a household
Such irrational and unwise persons suffer pain and misery during one life after
Avtar says, they suffer through the cycle of birth and death again and again.
He is not the True Master, who goes on extracting donations from the disciples and
putting them off (in the matter of divine knowledge);
Who keeps on deluding the disciples in order to extract choicest offerings from them.
A disciple too is not a true disciple, if he thinks that rituals would please the True
And that this soul would attain salvation as a reward of his visits to the places of
pilgrimage, fasts and other religious practices.
All that is required of a disciple is to surrender himself completely unto the True
Avtar says, then it is the True Master's job to fill the empty bowl.
Without ears God listens to everyone, without hands He works;
Without legs He walks about, without hands and feet He crosses the mountain;
Without nose He smells, without tongue He sings;
Without eyes He beholds everything, without belly He eats;
Without forms He has many forms, He appears in many forms;
Avtar says, only the True Master reveals the invisible.
Just see, how wonderful the universe God has created;
Not one or two persons, the whole world is baffled.
People take the earth, the fire and the water as creators of this universe;
God has created this universe with six tastes (sweet, saline, pungent, bitter, astringent
and sour), three attributes (goodness, pleasure and ignorance) and five elements (earth,
fire, water, air and ether);
He is present in every object yet distinct from them all,
He is hidden in the universe Truth.
But this God is known only by that person who is so blessed by Himself;
Avtar says, none can know his divine secret without the true Master.
True Saint is the one, who remembers God's Name by every breath;
True Saint is the one, who ends the suffering of others in no time.
True Saint is the one, who by his kindness rids people from the rigors of religious
True Saint is the one, who reveals God all around in a moment.
None can separate God from these devotee saints;
Avtar says, it is just as man's shadow cannot remain isolated from him.
In Golden Age, God Himself appeared and saved Prahlad;
In Silver Age, God Himself appeared and killed Ravana, and in Bronze Age God
Himself appeared and was called as Krishna.
God Himself appeared in the Irom Age and was named as Nanak;
God Himself changed His form and put up the plant (Buta) of divine knowledge.
God is One since beginning, who is described by world as Formless;
Avtar says again and again that the word of the True Master (Gurbachan) is God
God divided all the 8.4 million living beings in four broad divisions;
Those born from the egg (Andaj), those born from the sperm (Jeraj), those born from
the sweat (Setaj) and those born from the surface of the earth (Utbhuj) constitute the
entire living world.
Only if God shows mercy, one may be born as a human being;
And if the human being meets the True Master, he becomes God Himself.
None except the True Saints can unveil this divine secret;
Avtar says none except the True Master can reveal God.
The worldly wealth does ruin even the one who serves it;
Just as the she-serpent eats its own progeny.
The queen of worldly wealth cannot save anyone at the time of ordeal;
Like a monkey mother, it will put its own off springs under its paws.
But the queen of worldly wealth is always afraid of true devotees,
Avtar says, it is always at the beck and call of the devotees of the True Master.
Just as the bird Chakor pecks fire in delusion, mistaking it as moon;
Just as the black bee (Bhanwara) enamoured of sitting in the lap of flower, loses its
Just as millions of moths enamoured of one light, burn themselves to death;
Just as several birds called Papihas ruin their lives for the sake of one drop of rain,
called swati.
All these are examples of one-sided love, the other side not knowing at all;
Avtar says, love for God cannot succeed without the perfect True Master.
One may be extremely poor and he may be in rags;
One may be afflicted with disease, have no shelter and may wander in despair like
One may not have any friend, comrade or companion;
One may be all alone in the world and have none to share his grief.
But if he is a perfect disciple of the True Master, he finds the Formless God always
with him;
Avtar says, he is the king of the world and I adore and glorify him.
The one who seeks the shelter of God, none of his tasks can remain unaccomplished;
None of the three sufferings - mental, physical and material can afflict him.
God Himself steps in to accomplish the tasks of His devotee;
God Himself liberates His devotee from all his worldly obligations.
God helps the one, who has none in the world to support him;
Avtar says, only the Formless God who always dwells with him is his true companion.
Human life would go waste without knowing the Formless God;
Cursed is the food and drink of the person, who is ever engrossed in mammon (Maya).
False is the pride of the riches acquired by foul means;
The ignorant takes the illusory world of materialism as true, but all this is false
Nothing goes with man except Divine Name, and he has to repent at last;
Avtar says, I sacrifice my all unto the True Master, who makes man realize God.
Even a man in distress finds relief, if he realizes God.
Once he enjoys the divine bliss, the glamour of worldly wealth cannot allure him.
The one who forgets the Formless God, he undergoes the cycle of birth and death;
Surrounded by miseries, he groans and bewails.
As he goes on following religious practices, he gets more and more entangled in ego,
Avtar says, he integrates with God, if he meets the True Master.
Loftiest is Thy abode, and Thy glory and grandeur knows no bounds;
Countless are Thy qualities, and Thy benevolence are beyond reckoning.
The one who perceives Thee always with him and sings Thy glory day and night;
Even the stone hearted person who touches Thy divine feet transcends the ocean of
Even a sinner turns pious and the unwise becomes wise and intelligent;
Avtar says, I sacrifice my all unto such a person who lives as servant of Thy servants.
O' God, the guilty gets purified only by Thy Name;
The shelters finds shelter only at Thy Abode, the highest and the holiest.
Thou art the sole savior of the one to whom everybody in this world is inimical;
Thou art the sole support of the one who is poor, distressed and unfortunate.
The one who receives Thy merciful look, turns prosperous;
Avtar says, if one gets the solace of Divine Name, all the people of the world become
his own.
O' man why do you go to forests and search for God there?
Please the True Master and see God always with you.
Just as our reflection is there in glass and butter is there in milk;
The True Master reveals God, all pervading, within and without.
The world has exhausted itself in search of God, their rites and rituals have failed;
The chord of man's own pride, ego and thought is getting twisted and becoming
stronger and stronger.
The world thinks the easy to be difficult and the difficult to be easy;
Avtar says, it is difficult to realize God without the perfect True Master.
The True Master has accepted me, and removed all my doubts and delusions;
All my worries and anxieties have ended and I see the divine light all around.
All my sufferings have gone, and now I am surrounded by peace and happiness;
O' God, I do not see any other shore, Thou art the only support I rely upon.
As the True Master got pleased, I transcended the fear of births and deaths;
Avtar says, I sing Thy glory day and night, and (for this) I sacrifice my all unto the
True Master.
O' True Master, I was a lowly humble creature with no virtue, you yourself have taken
pity on me;
And with your divine grace, I have enjoyed my life.
The wound of separation (from God) that my heart had carried for ages, has been
Ever since I tasted the cup of divine nectar from your palms.
The True Master has been kind and gracious enough to have accepted me;
Avtar says, the True Master has revealed unto me the all-pervading God, in a moment.
I performed countless religious acts and made many donations;
Swayed by religious fanaticism, I considered myself superior to others.
Though totally ignorant, I posed myself as a (religious) scholar;
My only asset was my daily ritual of reciting prayer and I took pride in it.
In order to find the path of salvation, I used to recite the holy scriptures regularly;
Without having seen or known God, I was trying to climb the stairs of sand.
No doubt the path to salvation is very difficult, just like walking on the razor's edge.
Avtar says, if the perfect True Master is pleased, it is easy to achieve the aim of human
Some think God is nearby while others think that God dwells far away;
Some think that God dwells in the skies, while others think that He is atop the
mountain, Koh-e-Toor.
Unless the vessel of mind is cleansed, the evil shall not go from the heart;
Unless it is enriched with Divine Name, the mind cannot be illuminated.
One divine gesture of the perfect True Master ends all wrangles;
Avtar says, I supplicate and surrender my all unto the True Master, who reveals God
always with us.
One may keep on worshipping (deities), reciting holy scriptures making donations in
cash and kind throughout his life;
He may keep on taxing himself in religious ceremonies, considering the same as
He may keep on suffering in numerous ways, simply to follow others;
He may keep on torturing himself, groping in the dark and repeating the name of God
(on his own).
He will not achieve any object unless he finds the True Master;
Avtar says, the one who finds the perfect True Master, he shall no more enter the cycle
of birth and death.
Some are proud of their body, some of their wealth and some of their intellect;
But they do not try to know God, who has bestowed all these bounties.
O' man, having got this human body for a short span of time you have forgotten your
real entity,
The day shall come at last when you shall have to snap your ties with worldly
Repenting at that time shall be of no avail, now is the time for you to understand if you
so do;
Avtar says, meeting the True Master makes life blissful.
If one remembers God, the Supreme Lord of the universe, even pain does not give
If one remembers God, the Supreme Lord of the universe, no want does remain there;
If one remembers God, the Supreme Lord of the universe, every task stands
If one remembers God, the supreme Lord of the universe, even a coward becomes
If one remembers God, the Supreme Lord of the universe, the fear of death remains no
more there;
Avtar says, without attaining divine knowledge, one just cannot remember God.
If one obeys the word of the True Master, the True Master shall be glorified;
One would remember God automatically, and evil shall stay away.
The word of the True Master (Guru Bachan) is the divine knowledge (Gian) sought to
be imparted by the True Master, and is named as the Formless God;
The one who believes, gets redeemed himself as also his family, and even the King of
Death salutes to him.
The one who submits to the will of the Formless God, and reposes faith in the True
Avtar says, he is ever blissful and dwells in the abode of angels.
The imprudent does not care to know about himself, but advises others;
Look at man, he goes on losing human life in gamble.
O' True Lord, forgive this man who is errant by nature;
Keep him clung to Thy sacred feet, he is enamoured of the world of materialism.
None can ever transcend the ocean of materialism on his own, but this can happen if
God so wills;
Avtar says, man can make his life purposeful by seeking the shelter of the True
O' man, why do you waste your time in worrying about yourself?
Remember God every moment who alone is to come to your rescue.
God, whose command prevails day and night over the sun, the earth and the water;
God, whose command prevails day and night over every living creature of the world.
God, without whose command, even a leaf cannot stir,
God, without whose command, even a tiny seed (of seramum) cannot be found in this
God, who created the whole mankind and Himself is sustaining them;
God, who planned the whole game and is controlling it.
This very God will take care of you, go on remembering Him;
Avtar says, meet the True Master and keep on singing the glory of God.
Shed the pride of body, mind and the wealth and seek the shelter of the True Master;
You will realize, in a moment, God whom you have been searching for.
The True Master is the king of kings; who bestows divine gift;
The True Master is the treasure of divine grace, where there is no shortage.
The True Master is the master of all wisdom, and is the master of souls too;
The True Master himself blesses one with the Divine Name to remember, and is the
one it does denote.
If the True Master shows his grace, he can fill the empty bowl of the beggar in a trice,
If the True Master shows his grace, he can make the life blissful here and hereafter.
With his divine grace, life becomes heavenly;
Avtar says, without the True Master, a being (creature) loiters aimlessly.
I sacrifice my all unto the disciples who loved the True Master till the end of their life;
I sacrifice my all unto the disciples of the True Master who shed their ego;
I sacrifice my all unto the disciples of the True Master, who serve him with body and
I sacrifice my all unto the disciples of the True Master, who transcend the ocean of
The disciples of the True Master are the image of the True Master and they sacrifice
their all unto him;
They themselves remember God by every breath and inspire others to do so.
The True Master himself appears in the form of his disciples;
He in fact hides his own entity in his disciples.
Great is the True Master and great are his disciples who assimilate with each other;
Avtar says, those who cease to have self, find name for themselves, stand glorified
them selves.
The benevolent grace of the True Master sets right what might have gone wrong for
his disciples;
The benevolent grace of the True Master remove all the doubts and delusions of the
The benevolent grace of the True Master makes the disciples always happy;
The benevolent grace of the True Master brings plenty and prosperity to the disciples;
The benevolent grace of the True Master removes the fear and makes the disciples free
from it;
The benevolent grace of the True Master removes all the sufferings of the disciples;
The benevolent grace of the True Master sits on the disciples' tongue;
And gets its own praise sung by making it utter the words 'Tuhi-Tuhi' (Thou Formless
Fortunate is the person upon whom the True Master bestows his benevolent grace;
Avtar says, unique is the person upon whom the True Master bestows his benevolent
Taking guidance from the True Master, the mind overcomes ego;
And goes on breaking the shackles of lust, anger, greed and worldly attachment.
Taking guidance from the True Master, the mind adopts patience;
Taking guidance from the True master, the mind submits to the will of God;
Taking guidance from the True Master, the mind rises above worldly attachments;
Taking guidance from the True Master, the mind learns to face hardships and to
Taking guidance from the True Master, the mind gets absorbed in remembrance of
And remembers God, while performing normal activities of daily life (standing,
sitting, walking and so on).
Really fortunate is the one, who finds the perfect True Master;
Avtar says, without the True Master every act remains incomplete.
As one sheds ego, he realizes the Formless God;
As one trusts the word of True Master (Gurbachan), he meets the Lord Master (Avtar).
Pride does not stay where there is divine instruction of the True Master;
Just as there can be no respect where there is pride.
O' men, understand God, who has bestowed this body and mind;
Do not get lost in the material gifts, try to understand the real Donor of the same.
As I bowed my head at the feet of the True Master, I saw Thee (God) face to face;
And as I saw Thee, it was Eid for me.
Had I not got in touch with the feet of the True Master, I would not have found
Avtar says, I would have found neither the True Master nor the Formless God.
I seek your support and only then I act;
O' my True Master, I salute to you a million times.
You are formless as well as in torm;
You are Gurbachan as well as Avtar.
None can comprehend you;
None can reach you without your blessings.
You protect everyone, who seek your refuge;
You do not ask the seeker's caste and native place.
I too have taken your shelter;
Avtar says, I am (Avtar) as you made me so.
The one whose sins are countless;
With your kind grace, he is redeemed in no time.
There may be a big heap of wood, and a little fire;
It reduces everything to ashes in moments only.
There may be absolute darkness;
It disappears the moment a lamp is lit,
Likewise, with your kind blessings;
Millions have been forgiven for their sins.
Avtar says, the person who is blessed by you;
He has no fear even of death.
The one with whom the True Master is pleased does never suffer from any want;
The one who has his shelter, cannot be harmed by anyone.
The one who has the True master on his side, cannot be hit by the Angel of Death;
The one with whom the True Master is pleased, is free from impurity.
The one who is forgiven by the True Master, stands redeemed;
Avtar says, the one who has pleased the True Master, he does not face defeat (in the
game of life).
The one who is blessed with Divine Name, is the king of kings;
The one who is blessed with Divine Name, has no worry.
The one who is blessed with Divine Name, is always a gainer;
The one who is blessed with Divine Name, fulfils his desires.
The one who is blessed with Divine Name, has a smooth sail.
Avtar says, none can show the path except the perfect True Master.
The one who sheds his ego and seeks the shelter of the True Master;
He enjoys unending bliss and all his aspirations are fulfilled.
Whosoever rendered selfless service, stood rewarded;
He wears beautiful dresses and takes choicest food.
The one who always suffered from extreme poverty;
He is seen happy and prosperous.
Avtar says, whoever came near the True Master;
He found God present with him, and the separation ended forever
A tree does never eat its fruit, it is meant for the world;
A river does not drink its water, it flows for the benefit of others;
Millions of lovers do suffer for the sake of the love of the one who loves them;
Avtar says, the saints appear only to redeem people of the world.
The hallmark of the disciples of the True Master is that they act upon the word of the
True Master;
They submit to his will cheerfully, and they never refuse to obey his command.
The disciples of the True Master have realized the One and they do their best to
preserve the same (communion);
They are the same from within and without, and they finish duality altogether.
They are true to their word and live up to what they say;
Avtar says, they mould their lives in the frame of the True Master's teachings.
The one who does not remember God, should be taken as dead;
Cursed is the life of the man who moves about without the Divine Name.
Engrossed in the material world, he always frets and frowns;
The wayward is never stable and goes on corroding like a piece of salt.
Evil strikes the mind of the irrational person devoid of the Divine Name;
Avtar says, nobody can avert what is ordained as divine will, and is the divine
utterance (of the True Master).
A devotee and a wayward have no meeting point;
The two have their divergent paths, like oil and water they cannot integrate with each
One makes others cross the ocean of materialism and the other drowns them, one fails
to understand this strange game of the Almighty;
Both of them are the sons of the same Father, one succeeds while the other fails.
The devotees are always happy, they feel cheerful in the divine lap of the True Master.
Avtar says, the Angels of Death shall put their string in the nose of the wayward and
take them away.
None has realized God and none shall realize God by mere muttering of prayer or by
The lotus of one's heart has never blossomed, nor shall it blossom, without the True
The ship has never been launched, nor it can be launched, without the captain;
The torn garment has never been stitched, nor it can be stitched, without a needle.
God can be realized and is realized just with one gesture of the True Master;
Avtar says, God can be realized in a moment, if the True master is pleased.
One may be lowly, poor and weak, and none may like him;
One may not be as important as even the straw of the streets, and none may recognize
One may have no value or worth being penniless, and none may know him;
One may have no food, no clothing , and no shelter;
One may be destined to be poor and fortune may not favor him at all;
Avtar says, the True Master can make such a person rich in no time.
Sons, daughters, palaces and mansions, all these too are an illusion;
O' men, this beauty, this youth too is like a fleeting shadow.
All that you see is dust and this human body too is nothing but dust;
Whosoever has come in this world shall depart on the appointed day.
You may possess lakhs and crores, but nothing shall remain with you at last;
Avtar says none is yours, if you do not have the protection of the True Master.
I had been repeating the name of God, (Ram-Ram), the True Master has revealed God
to me;
The True Master has taught me the real mode of living.
The True Master gave me such a divine elixir that I attained eternal life;
I was a rolling stone in the world, but the True Master has uplifted me.
I just cannot reciprocate the favors which the True Master has shown to me;
Avtar says, even my generations cannot repay the debt I owe to the True Master.
The spiritually enlightened and the ignorant do not appear to be different to look at;
However, the enlightened person perceives the omnipresent God, while the ignorant
does not behold Him.
The two can be easily distinguished from the way they talk to others or call them;
Just as the swan and the stork can be differentiated from each other by the acts they
The other man (the ignorant) just does not know God, while this one (the enlightened)
dwells in God;
Avtar says, I sacrifice my all unto whosoever has known Thee (God).
He is the perfect True Master, who reveals God with us;
He is the perfect True Master, who turns turbulent life into peaceful.
He is the perfect True Master, who reveals the eternal Abode within one's own house.
He is the perfect True Master, who unites soul with its Lord, the Super Soul (God).
The attribute of a perfect True Master is that he makes the seeker transcend the ocean
of materialism;
Avtar says, the blessed one who reveals God is God-realized person (Brahm Giani).
I dwell in the Abode of God, now my cycle of birth and death has ended;
The True Master has united me with God I was in quest of, and now there is no need
of rites and rituals.
I have found happiness, smiles and laughter, now all the bewailing has ended;
God, whom I wanted to please, is pleased, now there is no need to burn the incense.
All this is because of the kindness of my True Master,
Baba Buta Singh who has planted this sapling of divine knowledge;
Avtar says, sitting under this Kalpa Tree of divine benevolence, I have found whatever
I desired.
People have not yet understood what makes 'devotion' (Bhakti), to realize God is
Leaving aside all doubts and superstitions, to please the True Master, is 'devotion'.
To believe One, to behold One, to realize One, is 'devotion';
Leaving aside all other rites and rituals, to perform only this act (mentioned above), is
God is colorless, shapeless, as mentioned in the holy scriptures;
Avtar says, this is exactly as I have found the all-pervading God to be.
To act upon what the True Master ordains, and to serve him, is discipleship,
To take whatever he gives and be thankful to him, is discipleship.
Whether he shows adversity or prosperity, to submit to his will, is discipleship;
To remain contented in whatever circumstances he keeps, and to remain stead-fast in
one's love, is discipleship.
The one who relies on God alone and does not feel the necessity to depend on anyone
Avtar says, such a disciple of the True Master does not find anything lacking.
O' men, nobody bears the mark of caste on his body;
God never sent anyone classified as high or low.
God's door is common for all, there is no consideration of rich and poor;
God's door is common for all, there is no consideration of king and the courtier.
False are the love and affection of the world, true is only the love for God.
Avtar says, the only requirement of this divine door is to bow one's head (and obey).
All worldly relations are of self-interest, sister or brother, none is yours;
Love and humility have disappeared from the world, and the whole world is a source
of suffering;
Like sheep, people have become blind followers of one another, and know nothing
about God;
What is God and where He dwells, the world has failed to understand.
The True Master has set up a 'town' of affection and humility;
Avtar says, the perfect True Master has shown, what is called 'Beghampura', the divine
city without sorrow.
The True Master is the alchemy, while the holy scriptures are mere touch-stone;
The True Master is the dispenser of divine knowledge, while holy scriptures are only
the shop (the store-house).
The lofty and pure are the words of wisdom enshrined in the holy scriptures, and this
is the precious wealth earned by devotees of God;
The taste of this divine slab of stone is wonderful, and is known only to the one who
licks it.
O' man, you should value the dust of the feet of the True Master as precious treasure,
everything else is mere ash;
Avtar says, when one finds the True Master, the bandage of ignorance gets removed
from the eyes.
O' man, you are searching for God in temples and mosques, but He cannot be found
just by visiting Kashi or Mecca;
God cannot be realized through silent meditation, many ascetics have tried in vain.
God cannot be realized by sleeping, or keeping awake many got fed up offering
prayers over night;
God cannot be found from the idols, many got exhausted bowing their heads.
O' men, God was realized only by those who found the perfect True Master;
Avtar says, the imperfect man becomes perfect with the benevolence of the True
My God is omnipresent, there is nothing unpervaded by Him;
I have searched every leaf, I have searched every branch.
God is a wonderful gardener, He uproots from one side and transplants on the other;
He has displayed all kinds of new images, every face shining with divine glow.
God has no form, no color, no visible sign of distinction, His grandeur is unique;
Avtar says, I sacrifice my all unto the True Master, who has revealed to me this Divine
God is omnipresent, why do you go to the forests?
God cannot be realized without the True Master, why do you wander in wilderness?
By keeping awake and observing long fasts, you will face all kinds of sufferings;
By wandering in forests you will only waste your life.
You go atop the minarets and give loud calls, all this is in vain;
Avtar says, God can be seen only if you seek the shelter of the True Master.
That person shall command the first position in the world, who has realized God as his
first task;
And uniting himself with this One, he has enjoyed the divine color.
The one who knows this One, the Creator, he does not look towards anyone else;
He does not worship graves and funeral places, he does not bow his head in temples.
He realizes the presence of the One all around, and he beholds the One everywhere;
Avtar says, he is always happy, he celebrates Eid all the time.
If one has an abiding faith in God, duality does not trouble him:
He entrusts his life to God, and he relies only on Him.
Taking everybody as the image of God, he loves one and all;
He beholds God in every object, whether it is beautiful or an ugly one.
None in the world can harm that person, who has the protection of God;
Whether he lives or dies, it is the will of the Formless God.
Unless man becomes a seeker and seeks the shelter of the True Master;
Avtar says, the sense of duality does not vanish from the heart.
The divine name is the panacea for all the ills; it removes the sufferings of all kinds;
The divine name is so effective, O' men, that even things gone upset get settled.
The divine name shows the way to the one whose eyes cannot see;
The Divine Name, as it dwells in a house, turns it into heaven.
O' men, the True Master in this world is the trader of the Divine Name only;
The Divine Name is the Formless God, Nirankar, and the one who knows Him, is a
Man has accepted the cycle of birth and death as a rule;
Caught in the net of material attachments, he has not loved God.
God has neither been realized nor He can be realized by performing rites and rituals,
The lotus of human heart has neither blossomed nor it can blossom without the True
The one who is united with God shall not be subjected to death, he has become
Avtar says, I solemnly declare that I have realized God from the True Master.
God cannot be realized by going round the places of pilgrimage or by sitting by the
side of sacred fire;
God cannot be realized by muttering of prayer, by undergoing penance or by getting
the holy scriptures recited.
God shall not listen to you merely because you cry so loudly;
God shall not be pleased merely because you listen to His praise or recite it to others.
God can be realized by bowing your head at the feet of the True Master,
Avtar says, only then this vessel of your life can cross the ocean of materialism.
The True Master advises us to use sweet language and be polite;
The True Master teaches us to always think of the welfare of all.
The True Master tells us to always submit to the will of God;
The True Master is always engage in uniting every separated soul with God.
We have reached the divine destination, we have finished our cycle of birth and death;
Avtar says, accepting the word of the True Master (Gurbachan), we have seen God.
Under whose command do the sun and the moon rise and set?
Under whose command do the stars twinkle in the sky?
Who does grant us all that we eat and wear?
Who has given up ears to listen and mouth to speak?
The perfect True Master reveals this power (God), face to face, to whosoever
approaches him;
Avtar says, the True Master unites this separated (human) soul with God.
This human body is not God, God is what speaks within.
Himself seated behind the veil of matter (Maya), God makes everybody dance to His
Himself clad in the mortal frame, He opens the get away to the Infinite;
Himself seated at the ship which is false, He dispenses the merchandise of Truth.
In the search of Truth (God) man is deluded by what is false;
Avtar says, perfect is the True Master, who unveils the Truth.
You should respect those who have realized God;
You must bow unto them, as God speaks through them.
You should love the Real one, who has concealed Himself in the unreal (mortal
You should know and understand what is life, you should not waste your life in vain.
I sacrifice may all unto those, who behold God and then believe;
Avtar says, I sacrifice may all unto those who have seen God.
Some are Hindus, some are Muslims, some Sikhs and some Christians;
Each one of these (religions) has instituted a separate world of its own.
Some do want to co-operate with others, but while at the same time maintaining their
self interest;
Look at the imprudent, they want to extinguish fire with fire.
Oneness cannot come until they know the One (God);
Avtar says, none else except the True Master can make this (One) known to them.
Seating itself the highest, the sun is burning like fire;
Likewise, a man obsessed by ego suffers from envy.
But look at the earth down below; there is green vegetation all around;
It flourishes in winter and summer alike.
Saints always like patience, humility and tolerance;
Avtar says in this world, this is the distinct tradition with the disciples of the True
There is one stick in the hands of the Angel of Death, which is wielded to punish the
There is another stick in the hands of the True Master, which is wielded to redeem the
There is one long stick in the hands of a robber, which is wielded to beat any
There is yet another long stick in the hands of a policeman, which is wielded to protect
the people.
There is one man who does not behave as man, and there is yet another who exalts
himself to the level of God;
Avtar says, the object (Truth) is the same, and 'man' is the one who knows it.
God dwells with me and I dwell in God;
I eat, drink and dress in God, I laugh in God, I weep in God.
I remember God by every breath, and I love only God;
He is always in front of my eyes, and I behold Him profusely.
I am extremely thankful to my True Master, who has made this possible;
Avtar says, the True Master has revealed God to me and saved me from the Angel of
God is not to be found in temples, mosques or in the dense forests;
God is not to be found by sitting in isolation or in big crowds.
God is not to be found in extreme austerity (remaining hungry and naked), or in
God is not to be found in the futile exercise of mere discourses, devotional songs,
recitation of holy scriptures, and worship of deities;
Avtar says, the disciple does understand God as soon as the True Master speaks to
Man thinks that recitation of holy scriptures and worship of deities will enable him to
transcend the ocean of materialism;
That these acts will save him from the cycle of birth and death;
That these fasts, rituals and prayers will go with him at last;
And that the pilgrimages to holy places like Kaba and Kashi will alleviate his
Rites and rituals are only bondages, in which man has got entangled;
Avtar says, it is the serpent of materialism that has stung man.
Many religious leaders sitting on pedestals exact obeisance from their followers;
And if one asks them to reveal God, they put him off.
They entrap followers by false appearances and live on the earnings of others;
They drown in the ocean of materialism themselves and make their followers drown
They take birth and die again and again and continue weeping and shrieking;
Avtar says, they waste this precious human life in vain.
None can visualize God, unless He himself makes one know Him;
Unless He Himself removes the curtain of materialism and Himself does appear.
None can see His grandeur, unless He reveals Himself;
None can receive any gift from Him, Unless He Himself is so pleased.
God wears the material cloak and appears as the True Master;
Avtar says, the True Master himself unites the soul with God.
There are religious leaders in the world who go on dividing the mankind;
For the sake of their own leadership, they create divisions between man and man.
The walls of caste, religion and sects that we see;
The flames of hatred everywhere, all are their handiwork.
They are all embodiment of selfishness and shall waste their lives in vain;
Avtar says, they shall be burning their houses with their own hands.
As one disciple of the True Master meets another disciple, they get overwhelmed with
They bow their heads at each other's feet.
This is the tradition of the devotees and this is true discipleship;
This is what is more delicate than a hair and sharper than a dagger.
The True Master shall not side with the disciple who forgets the lesson of humility;
Avtar says, the True Master shall not stand by such a disciple.
True disciple is the one, who knows God with him, from the perfect True Master;
And who adopts humility, sheds ego and follows the path of truth.
True disciple is the one, who believes what the True Master says;
And who submits to the will of God, speaks sweet language and loves the fellow
The True Master takes care all the time of the disciple, who thinks of him;
Avtar says, such a disciple himself can redeem millions.
God who is always with us, is our real relative;
Amongst all relatives, only this relationship is stable.
For us God is the mosque and the temple, God is the pilgrimage, Kaba, and God is the
For us God is the treasure of wealth and God is the money.
Those who did not remember God, poor fellows went empty handed;
Avtar says, they were all such travelers who lost their lives only in search of the
First listen with your own ears, then see with your own eyes and only then you bring
faith on God;
Your deeds must weigh equal with your words, and your life must reflect harmony.
You should seek the company of those who are perfect (saints), you should not mix up
with the imperfect ones;
People may create all kinds of doubts, but you should not move from your place.
Contemplate, understand and then only believe what you are told, and once you
believe, you should never waver;
Avtar says, once you have realized the Truth, you should never dabble with the dirt.
You may stay with the world, you may have dealings with the whole world;
You may even love your sons, daughters and other relatives.
But let us not forget our real destination, the abode to which we have to return after
the short stay in this world.
Always remember the One who exists with us;
Avtar says, O' disciples of the True Master, be respectful to the true saints.
The world thinks that it is difficult to realize God while living in this world;
And that having wife and children and looking after the household, it is difficult to
become a devotee;
And that without penance, without meditation, it is difficult to contemplate for union
with God;
And that while living in this material world all the time, it is difficult to please the
I sacrifice my all unto the True Master, who has made me understand this Truth;
Avtar says, I have known God, while staying in the midst of this world.
O' man, who has gifted this charming body to you, and who has created this universe?
Who has made the moon and the sun an who has made the sky?
Who has gifted all these food-articles? have you ever thought of Him?
Who has gifted this intellect and wisdom and who is behind this game of life?
O' man, what was the purpose of your coming to this world and where have you to go
after death?
Avtar says, you have to know this divine secret from the perfect True Master.
Tell me, who is the Supreme Father whose children we all are?
Tell me, who is the One, who has created this whole universe?
Tell me, who is the One, who has millions of names?
Tell me, who is the Supreme Lord, whose name is acknowledged all over the world?
As per the holy scriptures, it is One who has no color, no shape;
Avtar says, only rare/few come to know about Him, i.e. God.
We may go in for any number of muttering prayers, sittings in penance and recitation
of holy scriptures, God will not be pleased;
We may visit places of pilgrimage and bathe there any number of times, God will not
be pleased.
We may sing any amount of praise, God will not be pleased;
We may go in for any amount of offerings to deities and donations, God will not be
God can be pleased, if we fall at the feet of the perfect True Master;
Avtar says, only rare few receive the divine knowledge.
God did not create the castes, the religions and their customs and the practices;
God did not divide people to wrangle as Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians.
God did not provide anybody the sacred thread, the long underwear, the sword or the
circumcision at the time of birth;
God did not prescribe any restrictions in respect of food and drink and the mode of
Humanity is our religion and our mission is to realize God;
Avtar says, we want that leaving aside all divisions, one should seek the shelter of the
True Master.
Some are proud of their own self, and some are proud of their material wealth;
Some are proud of their royal living, and some are proud of their body.
Some are proud of their clan, and some are proud of their riches,
Some are proud of their speaking the truth, and some are proud of their becoming
Some are proud of a skill, and some are proud of their actions;
Avtar says, the devotee in this world is proud only of his Divine Master.
People think that God cannot be realized without purifying the mind;
And that God cannot be made to dwell in one's heart, unless it is cleansed.
Just as the was her man cleans even the dirtiest garments;
Likewise, the perfect True Master forgives all sins and faults.
The gracious look by the True Master removes all suffering and obstruction;
Avtar says, this happens when a soul (person) touches the sacred feet of the True
People think that a saint is the person, who renounces family life and goes to forests;
People think that a saint is the person who leaves aside his lovely garments and puts
on saffron robes.
People think that a saint is the person, who sits in trance and meditates by the side of
People think that a saint is the person, who holds his breath and sits in meditation with
his eyes closed.
But the distinction of the true saints is that they realize their spiritual Abode, while
staying at home;
Avtar says, I have understood this from the perfect True Master.
In present times, science and the scientists have made powerful bombs;
Such varieties of bombs have come that even one bomb can destroy the whole world.
These powerful bombs have been tested in the rivers and oceans;
These bombs have also been thrown at several places to annihilate humanity.
The True Master has prepared a medicine which can give life even to the dead;
Avtar says, while going to die, I found life from it.
Man is the insect of material wealth and is stuck up in the same;
He is so deeply engrossed in it that even in dreams he thinks of material wealth.
His body and mind are obsessed by mammon, which keeps on holding him tight;
Man bewails as the material wealth goes, and feels delighted as it comes.
O' man, tell me, can you take it with you at the time of death?
Avtar says, this wealth is false and you will have to leave it here.
Be always polite, this is what the True Master says;
Adopt humility in your conduct in the world, this adorns a disciple.
One must bow down in order to drink water, which one must take in order to quench
his thirst;
As the tree bears the fruit, it goes on bending.
As the water goes down, it approaches the ocean;
Avtar says, it is with humility that man realizes God.
Some think that to rise early in the morning and bathe with cold water is a virtue;
Some think that to visit the places of pilgrimage and take a dip again and again is a
Some think that to renounce family life and become an ascetic is a virtue;
Some think that to recite and get recited the holy scripture with a view to purifying the
mind is a virtue.
The whole world is entangled in the wrangle of virtues and the sins;
Avtar says, only that soul, who has realized God, stands liberated.
You may go on repeating the names of God as Ram-Ram and Shyam-Shyam;
You may go on showing respect to God by repeating His names Allah-Allah and
You may call Him as God-God or by whatever name you like:
You may get exhausted while repeating His names, God shall not at all be pleased.
The one who remembers God after seeing Him, transcends the ocean of materialism;
Avtar says, in this Iron Age, He has come to be known by the name of Nirankar (the
Formless God).
The wealth that is amassed not without comitting sins, too shall not go with you (at the
time of death);
While living, man thinks that death will never come.
Sons, daughters, the family and the clan shall all be left behind in this world;
The temple of false hopes and dreams shall get demolished in one moment.
All that you consider as yours, does not belong to you;
Avtar says, without divine knowledge, the light will never dawn upon you.
Come and see God, this is an invitation to the people;
Here is the True Master who is turning persons like me with animal instincts, into true
human beings.
The True Master unites the sinner, the cheat and the imprudent, with God;
And teaches them the way of living, eating, drinking and conducting themselves.
He removes all sorrows and worries and makes the lotus of the heart blossom;
Avtar says, the time is pleasant, he unites the soul with God.
O' the trader of falsehood and truth, you should first understand what the Truth is;
What is that which shall remain unperishable and what is that fragile which is bound
to break.
What is that which you criticize as impure, and whether you have known what is pure;
And whether you have known the pure Truth, which is invaluable and unstained.
You wish to remove the pollution of the soul by observing austerities, self restraints
and false appearances;
Avtar says, why do you struggle against destiny without the True Master?
Just as a way- farer, unaware of the destination, remains confused;
He is all the time haunted by deadly fear and stinging scare.
He is not sure about where to go, how to go;
He is proceeding indeed, but without being confident of the path.
But if someone who knows the destination just provides the clue;
Avtar says, all his doubts and fears disappear and every object he looks at (during the
journey) becomes delightful.
O' the seekers of happiness and peace, you must know what happiness is;
You are always scared of pain, you must know what pain is.
O' man, you are always craving for the fulfillment of your needs, you must understand
what the need is;
And also you must know what the Kalpa Tree is, which fulfils every desire.
What kind of quest you have? You wish for something without knowing it;
Avtar says, when shall your journey end, if you do not know the divine destination?
To extinguish fire with fire, is only to add fuel to the flames;
To search for unity amongst the sects is only to strain one's nerves.
To overcome hatred with hatred, is only to make false claims;
To search for God amongst religions, amounts to dying while living.
To preach for unity is futile, unless the One is known;
Avtar says, none could recognize God, without the perfect True Master.
The earth starts trembling, the sky bursts into tears;
When the earth is laden with sins
Love and humility disappear, when hatred spreads all over;
The soul queen feels suffocated as the world is in flames.
Listening to the loud cries of the people, God changes His form;
Avtar says, God wears the human cloak and appears in this world.
Bereft of devotion to God, man is not worthy of being called a human being;
Without being conscious of his duties and responsibilities, man is as good as an
Wearing the human cloak, he acts like a devil;
This is not man's innocence, but his cleverness.
Wisdom without matching action makes even the prudent helpless;
Avtar says, journey without the target makes the destination distant.
Mere performance of rites and rituals amounts to churning the water;
Butter will come out only from milk, otherwise the churning machine will go on
revolving (in vain), which is its function.
The wealth of human life has to get exhausted on the appointed day;
The account of your deeds shall be settled only on the basis of the wealth of the Divine
Name you earn.
Human life is the last step of the ladder, in case you slip from here, you will lose your
turn, (for God realization);
Avtar says, whatever you earned during the cycle of birth and death (to be born a
human being), shall go in vain.
Education is to be learnt with wisdom, but surely not without the teacher;
Whatever one learns through practical experience, does not fade from one's memory.
No doubt the boat is to take you across, but surely not without the boatman;
The disease is to be cured certainly with the medicines, but not without the
consultation (of the doctor) of course.
Likewise, it is difficult to realize God, without the True Master;
Avtar says, the benevolence of the True Master is the solution to each and every
difficult proposition.
Your caste, your religion, the whole caste-system is a noose round your neck;
It is such a cruel ditch, which has swallowed the whole world.
O' man, you are a human being first, and then only a Hindu, Sikh or Muslim;
In case you wish to realize God, you must shed animosity and hatred from your heart.
Avtar says, one cannot have this divine consciousness without the True Master
And this soul does not find solace without knowing the One--Formless God.
Engaged in the pursuit of duality, man got isolated from God;
Engaged in the pursuit of duality, man became pauper from a millionaire.
Engaged in the pursuit of duality, man shut his eyes (to the Truth);
Engaged in the pursuit of duality, man cannot taste the divine nectar.
If a man sheds his vanity at the doorstep of the perfect True Master;
Avtar says, such a person beholds God face to face.
Entangled in the rites and rituals, man forgets God;
With every step forward, he is caught into this mud more and more.
He remembers all his worldly relations, but does not remember God;
Caught in the net of love and attachment for material world, he spoils his life.
Remaining in pursuit of false comforts, he ignores the real peace;
Entangled in false pursuits, the unwise is losing the game of life.
Every human being seems to have forgotten the true path and the true destination;
Avtar says, this divine door of the True Master is open for everyone.
On one side are the pains and sufferings of the world and on the other are all comforts
and pleasures;
On that side are the worldly people and on this side are the loved ones of God.
On that side is darkness all the time, and on this side are the glitters of the celestial
On that side are the bewailing and moaning, on this side are the new sights.
On that side are hostility, jealousy and discord, and on this side is the world of love
and affection;
On that side is autumn all the time, on this side it is spring.
The world has only one thing to do, that is to make a noise;
Avtar says, it is for the saints to salvage the sinking vessel of humanity.
The soul will remain in darkness till it gets illumined with divine light;
The divine light is always with us, and is not away even for a moment.
Man remains entrapped in the filth of materialism till he gets the nectar;
One may offer any amount as donations, but this would be of no avail.
O' man, you cannot be saved from pain and suffering unless you meet the donor of
peace and comforts;
One's doubts and delusions cannot be removed unless he realizes God.
The cycle of birth and death cannot stop without attaining divine knowledge;
Avtar says, the journey to the divine destination cannot be completed without the True
The One who Himself is shapeless and colorless, but has created the vast variety of
matter having shape and color;
The One who Himself is without any physical features, but has spread all kinds of
The One who Himself is invisible, beyond human capacity to see, but has created the
visible world;
The One who Himself is distinct and formless but has made everything on the earth
and in the sky.
Hundred times I bow to such matchless One;
Avtar says, I prostrate before this eternal entity of the Supreme Lord.
The One whose command does move the sun, the moon and the stars;
The One whose order does hold the earth and provide movement to the water of the
The One whose fear does hold fire in the sky and in the trees and does frighten the
burning charcoal;
The One whose awe does move even the life-spirit, the sound and the air, does
command all the nine dimensions of the universe.
The One who remains hidden but guides every movement, commands the game from
Avtar says, know this One and bow your head once for all.
O' man, know the Divine Light of which every living being is a spark;
Know the Supreme Light God of which the human being is a part;
Know the Supreme Ocean wherein lie the tiny drops;
Know about this Ocean of which you are a drop, so that you can merge with the same.
You can know about the Formless from His human form;
Avtar says, in order to know the divine secret, you must bow your head at the feet of
the True Master.
O' man, why have you forgotten all the vows, pledges and promises with God?
O' ignorant man, why do you pass your life caught into the fascinating net of pleasures
of body, mind and wealth?
The Lord Creator who has created the entire universe, is true;
Friend and companion, eternal and omnipresent, the Formless One is true.
You must always be grateful to God, who has given all this wealth to you;
Avtar says, you must always glorify the great benevolent True Master.
O' vulgar man, in ignorance you are sitting idle and wasting your pleasant time;
O' vulgar man, in ignorance you are neither seeing nor understanding the world drama.
O' vulgar man, in ignorance you are making false pretexts;
O' vulgar man, in ignorance why don't you (try to) know your real nest (abode)?
O' vulgar man, you do not know how to make use of this opportunity?
Avtar says, without receiving divine knowledge from the True Master, the very taking
birth in this world by you is in vain.
O' man, in this house of human body, you are only a guest;
O' man, in this house of human body, everything may produce thorns.
O' man, in this house of human body, you learn only to be proud;
O' man, in this house of human body, you forget the place from where you come.
O' man, in this house of human body, why do you forget the eternal abode?
Avtar says, this abode which is beyond time and death, is shown by the True Master.
O' man, highly exalted is your destination, where there is no consideration of the noon,
the morning, the evening or the night;
O' man, highly exalted is your destination, where there is no consideration of the sun
and the moon or any other element like them.
O' man, highly exalted is your destination, where there is no consideration of the fire,
the earth or the water;
O' man, highly exalted is your destination, where there is no consideration of pain and
sorrow and the devastation they cause.
Such unique and eternal destination is revealed by the True Master;
Avtar says, the True Master takes no time to enable you to find the ultimate abode
(God) which is beyond time and death.
If you do not know the eternal abode, you will go losing (the objective of this precious
human life;
If you do not know the eternal abode, you will be subjected to severe beating by the
Angel of Death;
If you do not know the eternal abode, O' insignificant, imprudent one, you will wander
in wilderness;
If you do not know the true abode, you will suffer through countless lives.
O' man, if you do not know your eternal abode, you shall have to undergo the cycle of
birth and death;
Avtar says, the True Master reveals the eternal and the real abode.
O' man, you must think sometime as to who gave you this charming youth;
O' man, you must think sometime as to who gave you this mirthful gait.
O' man, you must think sometime as to who gave you this wealth;
O' man, you must think sometime as to who looks after you.
O' man, why do you waste your life in worldly pleasures and the luxuries?
Avtar says, the True Master reveals the divine secret and liberates man from the cycle
of birth and death.
One may undertake millions of recitation of holy scriptures. witchcraft, prostration's
and offerings (at shrines);
One may mutter prayers like Sandhya and Gayatri million times and may read holy
scriptures like Puranas and the Quran, million times.
One may change countless false appearances, and perform penance and observe
austerity of thousand types;
One may abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink for any duration of time, such
as Waqt, Upwas and Roza, million times, and give loud prayer calls (from atop the
One may follow all religious tenets, and offer prayers regularly as prescribed;
Avtar says one cannot find the secret of liberation of the soul without the True Master.
It one is blessed with the divine gesture of the True Master, he finds the wonderful
destination full of peace.
If one is blessed with the divine gesture of the True Master, he gets the praise of
If one is blessed with the divine gesture of the True Master, he finds that realm of soul
where there is absolute freedom;
If one is blessed with the divine gesture of the True Master, he rests at the place which
is inaccessible but full of bliss.
Avtar says, it was the divine gesture of the True Master that made the prophets like
Rama and Krishna;
And it was the divine gesture of the True Master that made every devotee in this world
who followed God after knowing Him.
One does need a teacher in order to learn any art;
One does need a teacher in order to know any subject of education.
One does need a teacher in order to understand worldly matters;
One does need a teacher in order to know the divine path.
One just cannot attain spiritual knowledge by making countless efforts on his own;
Avtar says, the True Master takes one moment to tell what is true and what is false.
Even a person who does not know how to swim and does not swim, is made to swim,
and a heavy stone may float and dance;
One can see the examples of Ganaka (a prostitute) and Ajamal (a killer) who were
redeemed by the grace of the perfect True Master.
The fathomless ocean of materialism is tough for a person who is being carried by its
The perfect True Master makes every seeker transcend it in no time.
The sign of the perfect True Master is that he forgives the one who seeks his shelter;
Avtar says, with the mercy of the perfect True Master, one's account of past deeds is
written off.
The perfect True Master does not take into account the good or bad qualities of the
one who seeks his shelter;
The perfect True Master does not take into account the rites and rituals performed or
not by the one who seeks his shelter.
The perfect True Master does not shun anyone on account of his food habits;
The perfect True Master does not shun anyone on account of what he likes or does not
like to wear.
The perfect True Master's heart is large enough to accommodate every human being;
Avtar says, the disciple of such True Master does always prosper.
The perfect accomplished True Master is the one who ends the journey of the way
The perfect accomplished True Master is the one who changes the destiny of the
The perfect accomplished True Master is the one who removes the sins of the past
The perfect accomplished True Master is the one who removes the pain and suffering.
The one who is so kind that he sympathises with every heart, and the one who has no
match as a benevolent;
Avtar says, the True Master covers the shortcomings and gives support and refuge to
The perfect True Master makes every difficult proposition of the disciple easy;
The perfect True Master casts on his disciple the look that is full of benevolence.
The perfect True Master fills the empty bowl of his disciple with his divine grace;
The perfect True Master removes every calamity faced by his disciple.
One gains and succeeds everywhere, if he has the support and refuge of the True
Avtar says, one gets praise at every place, if he is blessed by the True Master.
He is the True Master's beloved disciple, who lives up to the five pledges held out to
the True Master;
He is the True Master's beloved disciple who remains a humble servant.
He is the True Master's beloved disciple, who shows respect to the fellow disciples;
He is the True Master's beloved disciple, who shows love to the congregation of the
disciples of the True Master.
He is the True Master's beloved disciple, who praises the beloved ones of the True
Avtar says, the True Master knows all and he is delighted to see such a disciple.
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